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A Woman Wants to Leave Her Cheating Husband After His Health Scare & Reddit Says It's 'Totally Valid'

“In sickness and in health” is part of the classic marriage vows for a reason. Committing to someone means making a promise to stay with them through it all, both the good times and the bad. When it comes to health problems — an inevitable challenge every couple will face at some point — you might just be the only source of support they have, or vice versa.

Of course, that’s easier in theory than in practice. Health problems can be a huge source of stress, and marriages often enter rocky waters when one partner is suffering. However, which partner it is makes a big difference. According to a study in the journal Cancer, when a woman is a cancer or multiple sclerosis patient, they’re six times more likely to be separated or divorced soon after the diagnosis compared to when the man is the patient. In other words, women are statistically more willing to do the work of caregiving for a sick partner; men, not so much.

It’s a situation one woman on Reddit is all too familiar with. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a few years ago, and her husband responded by cheating on her while she was in treatment. (Wow, we love him already.) Our OP (aka original poster, or the person who wrote the post) took him back afterwards, but now her husband is the one having a health scare, and it’s bringing up all sorts of emotions for our OP — namely, that she’s not so sure she wants to be in this marriage after all, and Reddit sees where she’s coming from. Keep reading for the full story and Reddit’s response.


A Man on Reddit Accused His Fiancée of ‘Baby-Trapping’ Him & Reddit Says She Should ‘Run for the Hills’

If you’ve never heard of “baby-trapping,” count yourself lucky, because it’s a pretty terrible thing to do to someone. Baby-trapping is when one partner in a relationship deliberately gets themselves or their partner pregnant to prevent their partner from leaving. It’s usually done in a sneaky way (think: going off the pill without saying anything, poking holes in condoms) so the other partner can’t do anything about it and doesn’t know until the pregnancy test comes back positive. Like we said, it’s no way to treat your partner, because 1.) no one should ever be coerced into having a child, 2.) consent is a thing??, and 3.) manipulating someone, in general, is not the way to a healthy relationship. Honesty truly is the best policy, folks.

So we’re not here to say baby-trapping is ever OK… but we are here to say that maybe some of us need a refresher on its definition. Specifically, we’re talking to a man who recently accused his fiancée of baby-trapping him, despite the fact that she’s had her tubes tied. Yep, you heard that right. She’s been accused of baby-trapping when she can’t even have a baby, and she’s come to Reddit’s relationship advice forum looking for some help on moving forward from this. Which is fair, because again, what? Our OP (aka the fiancée, the author of the post) is understandably confused.

Keep reading for the whole story and to get Reddit’s incredulous take on it all.



A Woman Thinks Her Husband Cheated During a Mutual Threesome, & Reddit Says That’s Not How It Works

No threesome is exactly the same. Whether it’s spontaneous or planned, your first threesome or your tenth, inviting a third person into what is, for many of us, a two-person situation always makes things a little different. A lot of times, that’s a good (and exciting!) thing, a much-needed way to spice things up in the bedroom, especially for steady couples looking for something new. But no matter what the context or how many partners you have, one thing stays the same: you’re going to have to talk through some things.

We mean talking about what feels good and what you’re consenting to — making sure everyone is on the same page before the fun kicks off — as well as establishing some clear boundaries. Sometimes one partner will be more interested in watching than participating; other times, everyone wants an equal share of the physical action. And that type of communication is exactly where one couple on Reddit is struggling.

This couple has pursued threesomes for the majority of their relationship, inviting other women into their bedroom and having a great time doing it. But a recent encounter ended badly, with the wife (aka our OP, or the author of the post) feeling like she’d been cheated on in the middle of her own threesome. She shared her experience with the Reddit r/relationship advice forum, and Redditors were more than ready to weigh in on the “tricky” situation. Keep reading for the full story.

A Wife Is 'Heartbroken' That She Can’t Start an Open Marriage & Reddit Says It’s a 'Dealbreaker'

What do you do when your partner asks for an open relationship? It’s a problem many monogamous couples never expect to have, but people are more accepting of open relationships than ever, with a third of Americans deeming open marriages acceptable, per a 2023 Pew survey, including more than 50 percent of American adults under 30.

Many people believe open relationships are just an excuse to cheat without getting in trouble, but there are some legitimate upsides. You get to experience other kinds of relationships, expand your capacity to love, and broaden your sexual horizon. That said, open relationships aren’t for everyone. So what happens if the conversation comes up and one partner is a hard no… but the other really wants to try it?

One couple on Reddit is in that exact situation, and it’s as complicated and anxiety-inducing as you might think. In this case, the wife is the one asking to open up the marriage, while her husband (our OP, Reddit-speak for the author of the post) isn’t interested at all. Specifically, he thinks it’s “totally unacceptable.” Now he’s hurt and she’s “heartbroken,” and they’re wondering where they even begin to go from here. Reddit, of course, had quite a few opinions on the topic. Keep reading for the full story, Reddit’s thoughts, and our ultimate takeaways.

This Open Marriage Has Gone 'Seriously Downhill' Since the Husband Started Dating, but Reddit Has No Sympathy

Open relationships come with a lot of unique challenges. That’s not a shocking thing to say, considering that every type of relationship on the planet has challenges, but with open relationships, you’re dealing with emotions that most of us aren’t too comfortable with. Jealousy is one of them, alongside fear, uncertainty, and insecurity, just to name a few. Seeing your partner date, sleep with, or even fall in love with other people can just be uncomfortable, even if you gave them permission to do those things — and even if you’re doing those things yourself.

One woman on Reddit is looking for advice for dealing with her own jealousy and insecurity in her open marriage. She and her husband opened up their relationship a year ago, and after a slow start on her husband’s part, he’s finally found a woman to date whom he’s very into: gushing about her, staying up for hours talking with her, giving her lavish gifts and dates. Now our OP (Reddit-speak for the author of the post) is feeling a little neglected, but when she brought her feelings up to her husband, it turned into a screaming argument.

Like we said, jealousy is a common experience in open relationships, as many other Reddit posts can attest to. So what exactly happened in our OP’s case, and what does Reddit have to say about it? Keep reading for the full story (plus an update from OP).

A Woman Wants To Leave Her Husband After Losing Weight, & Reddit Says She’s ‘Totally Justified’

Divorces happen for lots of reasons, from lack of commitment to infidelity to nonstop arguing to, well, just getting married too young. (Those are the top four reasons for divorce in the US, per Forbes, in case you’re curious.) Sometimes, though, people get divorced for reasons that aren’t so cut-and-dry — like your partner changing in ways you couldn’t have predicted, and that you can’t accept. Those changes could be political (as in, you married a Democrat but they turned into a Trumper), value-based (you both agreed to have children and now they’re rethinking), or just around their general priorities and outlook on life. Of course, sometimes those changes aren’t really changes at all, but your partner showing you who they truly are.

One couple on Reddit’s relationship advice forum is experiencing marital trouble right now, and it’s due to some unforeseen changes on the husband’s side. To sum it up, his wife (aka our OP, which is Reddit-speak for the person who wrote the post) lost some weight, and now he’s starting to treat her differently — and she’s not sure she likes the implications of that.

There’s a lot more to it than that, of course, and Reddit had plenty to say to response. Keep reading to get the full story.


A Husband Turned 'Hostile' After His Wife's Pay Raise & Reddit Says He's 'Immature & Insecure'

Finances can be a stressful topic in just about any marriage. It’s one of those necessary evils that we all wish we didn’t have to worry about, but we do. Having enough money to put food on the table while not working yourself to the bone is a tough task in and of itself; factor in social obligations and potentially taking care of kids, and suddenly you don’t have a ton of time to dedicate to your spouse or significant other — it becomes about just surviving from day to day.

That’s why, when you hear stories about people running into trouble because of having more (or even, dare we say, “too much” money), well, it’s hard to be sympathetic. Redditors reading a recent post on the site’s relationship advice forum know what we’re talking about. In the post, a woman has come looking for advice about her husband’s reaction to her promotion and pay raise — a pay raise which, coincidentally, puts her salary above his. Sounds like good news in our opinion, but apparently the husband of our OP (which is Reddit-speak for the original poster, or author of the post) doesn’t agree.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. What’s the situation, and does OP’s husband have a leg to stand on? Or is he letting some outdated patriarchal stereotypes trigger his insecurities? Keep reading for the full story and to get Reddit’s take on it all.

A Husband Asked for an Open Marriage, and Reddit Is 'So Impressed' by His Wife's Reaction

Open relationships are becoming more commonplace, with 1 in 5 Americans having experienced one at some point in their lives, according to a 2016 study. But just because more of us are experimenting with this kind of relationship, doesn’t mean we’re all cut out for it. And if the conversation comes up, some of us might find that it’s a hard boundary: monogamy, or no relationship at all. A woman on Reddit is going through just that experience now, and she knows exactly where she stands — but now she’s wondering (and asking Reddit) if she overreacted.

This 29-year-old wife has been married to her husband, 28, for seven years, and they’ve been together for nine total. The couple got married out of necessity (more on that in a minute) and our OP (aka original poster, or the person who posted the thread, in Reddit-speak) says their relationship has “flourished” over the last year. “Arguments are rare and we are pretty good at coming to understandings and apologizing when necessary,” she says.

That is, until OP’s husband came to her in October, out of seemingly nowhere, saying he wants an open relationship. OP had a strong reaction and made a quick decision, but now she’s wondering — and asking Reddit — if she did the right thing. So what exactly happened, and what does the Internet think? Let’s get into it.

A Man Is Retaliating After His Wife Kicked Him Out of the Delivery Room, and Reddit’s Not a Fan

At the risk of stating the obvious, childbirth is one of the most painful experiences humans go through. Sure, everyone has differing pain levels and tolerances, and modern medicine can do a lot to ease or numb the pain if you have access to those resources, but it’s still fair to say that it’s not typically a pleasant process. So it follows that most of us going through labor will probably not be at our most pleasant when it happens, or at the very least, not overly focused on the other people in the room. One husband and new father on Reddit didn’t seem to grasp that fact while his wife was giving birth, and is now contemplating taking (rather drastic) action because of it.

The husband (aka OP, or original poster, in Reddit-speak) explains in the post that he and his wife (ages 32 and 34, respectively) just had their first baby today — as in, the day of the post. As in, he snuck away from his newborn child and recovering wife to post on the Reddit AITA (aka Am I the Asshole?) forum, of all things, in the hours after the birth. (No, we don’t have proof that he snuck, but we can imagine.)

What could be so important that he would use this precious time to post about it online? Please join us on this ride with us and find out.

After Years of Rejection, This Woman Is Ready to Cheat On Her Husband — But Reddit Has Other Thoughts

Many people go through dry spells in their relationships, where sex and physical intimacy are happening less frequently. It’s normal, and it happens for a number of reasons — maybe you’re both busy, or stressed, or dealing with health issues that impact your libido. But when a dry spell doesn’t seem to end, and it’s impacting you and your partner’s relationship and mental health, it can feel impossible to solve — as is the case for one woman on Reddit, who is contemplating resorting to drastic measures.

The woman (aka OP, or original poster in Reddit slang) and her husband are both in their late 30s with a young daughter. Early in their relationship, OP writes, “sex was frequent and adventurous.” She wasn’t sexually experienced prior to their relationship, so it “pretty much defined” who she is today, sexually. “I always loved exploring my sexuality with him,” she says.

Sounds fun, sounds good, but recently, their sex life has taken a turn. OP no longer feels like her physical needs are being met, and she’s wondering if it’s OK to explore options outside of their marriage… without telling her husband. AKA cheating. She took to Reddit’s Am I the Asshole? (AITA) forum to solicit opinions and advice, and boy, did Reddit have some. Read the full story ahead, complete with Reddit’s harsh-but-fair verdict.
