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Parenting and Family Advice for a Member of the Military

by Jackson Weiser and Charlotte Cremers

Parenting as a member of the armed forces presents unique challenges that can put even the strongest bonds to the test. Deployments, temporary duty assignments (TDY), and the uncertainty that accompanies military life can put immense strain on both parents and children. 

In this article, we’ll first describe parenting while in the military and then discuss practical parenting tips for military members. By implementing these strategies, parents can navigate the obstacles of military life more easily and effectively.

Support Each Other’s Roles

Each parent in a military family plays a crucial role in their children’s lives, even if their responsibilities may differ due to deployments or other military commitments. Recognizing contributions that both parents make is essential for a balanced family dynamic.

At-Home Parent Challenges:

  • Solo Parenting: During deployments or extended separations, the at-home parent may take on the role of a solo parent, managing daily routines, decision-making, and emotional support.
  • Loneliness and Isolation: Frequent relocations can lead to feelings of isolation from being away from extended family and friends.
  • Handling Household Responsibilities: Managing household chores, finances, and other responsibilities alone can be overwhelming.

Military Parent Challenges:

  • Coping with Separation: The active-duty parent faces the emotional toll of being away from their family and may experience feelings of guilt or missing out on important milestones.
  • Stress and Demands of Service: Military duties can be physically and mentally demanding, requiring resilience and adaptability.
  • Reintegration after Deployment: Adjusting to family life again after deployment can pose challenges as roles and routines often shift following one parent’s absence.

Fostering a Supportive Family Environment:

  • Effective Communication: Maintain open and compassionate communication, sharing thoughts, feelings, and challenges with each other without judgment.
  • Acknowledging Efforts and Difficulties: Express appreciation for each other’s contributions and hardships for the family, recognizing the sacrifices made by both parents.
  • Sharing Responsibilities: Whenever possible, divide household responsibilities and child-rearing duties equitably, acknowledging the strengths and limitations of each parent’s situation.
  • Respecting Individual Needs: Understand that each parent may have different needs during deployment or homecoming and provide space for personal growth and self-care.

Fostering Resilience in Children

Resilience is not just about “toughening up”; it involves emotional strength, adaptability, and a positive outlook. In a military family, resilience helps children face transitions, separations, and new environments with courage and hope. 

Encouraging Open Discussions About Emotions and Experiences:

  • Create a safe space for your children to share their feelings openly.
  • Validate their feelings and let them know it’s okay to express themselves, whether they’re excited, sad, or afraid. Validating your child’s emotions does not mean that you need to compromise on important boundaries.
  • Be attentive listeners and avoid dismissing or belittling their concerns.

Promoting Problem-Solving Skills and Adaptability:

  • Involve your children in decision-making processes when appropriate, empowering them to take ownership of their choices.
  • Encourage flexibility and adaptability by embracing change positively as a family.
  • Teach problem-solving techniques, helping them break down challenges into manageable steps.

Offering Praise and Recognition for their Strength and Achievements:

  • Celebrate their successes, no matter how small, to instill confidence and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Recognize and praise their efforts in facing challenges and trying their best, regardless of the outcomes.
  • Remind them of their past achievements during tough times, fostering a belief in their capabilities.

By encouraging resilience in your children, you help to empower them to face life’s challenges head on. As your children grow, this trait will serve as a powerful foundation, helping them to navigate the difficulties of military life and beyond. 

Practice Self-Care

Importance of Self-Care for Parents and Children:

  • For Parents: Military life can be physically and emotionally demanding, and as parents, your wellbeing is important for supporting your family effectively. Engage in self-care activities that replenish your energy, reduce stress, and foster emotional resilience.
  • For Children: Children also benefit from self-care practices, as it helps them manage stress, regulate emotions, and build their own strength.

Self-Care Strategies for Military Parents:

  • Prioritizing Sleep and Rest: Adequate rest is crucial for physical and mental health. Establish a regular sleep routine, as best you can during unpredictable schedules, and prioritize rest whenever needed.
  • Engaging in Mindfulness Practices: Practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to reduce stress and promote emotional well-being. Mindfulness helps you stay present, manage worries, and enhance overall mental clarity.
  • Setting Boundaries and Saying No: Recognize your limits and learn to say no when you feel overwhelmed with commitments. Setting healthy boundaries allows you to focus on what truly matters and prevents burnout.
  • Taking Breaks and “Me” Time: Make time for yourself regularly, even if it’s just a few minutes each day. Use this time to relax, reflect, or engage in self-care activities without interruptions.

Addressing Deployment or TDY Challenges

Preparing for reunions and potential adjustments afterward is equally important for a smooth transition. Let’s explore tips to address deployment or TDY related issues.

Staying Connected When Physically Separated: 

  • If you or your partner is away on a deployment or TDY, there are still ways to stay connected to your family. To read more about how to make your long-distance military relationship work, click here.

Preparing for Reunions and Potential Adjustments:

  • Realistic Expectations: Understand that both the separated parent and the family at home may have shifted and developed during this time apart. Try to be patient with the process of reconnecting.
  • Transition Period: Allow for a transition period after the reunion, as both the returning parent and the family may need time to readjust to each other’s presence.
  • Communicate Expectations: Discuss roles, routines, and expectations openly after the reunion to ensure a smooth reintegration.

Seek Support and Resources

Seeking support and utilizing available resources is an effective way to navigate challenges and foster resilience. The military community offers a wealth of resources designed to assist families in coping with the unique demands they face. 

  1. Embrace the Military Community’s Support:
  • Tap into the vast network of fellow military families who understand the journey you’re on: The Modern Military Association of America is the nation’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to advancing fairness and equality for the LGBTQ+ military and veteran community.
  • You can find more support programs for military families here.
  1. Utilize Counseling Services and Support Programs
  • Counseling Services: Professional counselors specializing in military family dynamics can provide a safe space for open discussions and offer guidance in handling various challenges. A good resource for this is Military OneSource.
  • Relationship Support Programs: The OurRelationship program offers a free, online program for active-duty/Guard/Reserve (through Military OneSource) and Veteran couples to explore and address the challenges in your relationships.

Remember, reaching out for support is not a sign of defeat, but a testament to your commitment to creating a healthy family. Regular check-ins with each other and utilizing external resources can be beneficial.


In military families, strong and supportive relationships are the backbone of resilience. By nurturing open communication, spending quality time together, and supporting each other’s roles, you can build a foundation of attachment and security that can withstand a wide range of hardships.

The post Parenting and Family Advice for a Member of the Military appeared first on OurRelationship.

How To Reconnect With Your Partner After Military Deployment

by Jackson Weiser

Military deployments or temporary duty assignments (TDY) can have a significant impact on intimacy within relationships. Awareness of the unique challenges involved may help with rebuilding intimacy when your partner returns. When away from each other for extended periods of time, emotional distance can emerge, communication may break down, and both partners may undergo personal changes. In this article, we will explore strategies for nurturing emotional intimacy, reconnecting physically, and addressing potential changes and relationship problems that arise after deployment or TDY. 

Rebuilding Intimacy

1. Emotional Distance:

The physical separation during deployment or TDY can create emotional distance between you and your partner. Reconnecting emotionally becomes essential in rebuilding intimacy.

2. Communication Breakdown:

    Lack of communication or limited communication during deployment can lead to a breakdown in emotional connection and understanding. For more guidance on promoting intimacy through communication, click here.

3. Shifted Relationship Dynamics

    One or both partners may have changed during the time apart which will naturally shift the relationship once you are reunited. Adjusting to these changes can require patience and flexibility to adapt.

Reconnecting Emotionally

1. Engaging in Active Listening and Empathy:

   Actively listening to your partner’s thoughts and feelings while minimizing judgment or interruption is crucial. Show empathy by putting yourself in their shoes and seeking to understand their experiences and emotions. Create a safe space where they feel heard and validated. For more advice on being vulnerable in your relationship, click here.

2. Sharing Experiences and Stories:

   Share your own experiences and stories from the time apart. This can help bridge the emotional gap and deepen the connection between you and your partner. Engaging in open and honest conversations about your experiences during deployment fosters understanding and empathy.

Nurturing Physical Intimacy

1. Rebuilding Trust and Comfort:

   Rebuilding trust is a vital step in nurturing physical intimacy. It may involve open conversations about any concerns or insecurities that arose during deployment. Be patient, understanding, and supportive, allowing your partner to share their feelings and working together to rebuild trust.

2. Exploring New Ways to Reconnect Romantically:

   After deployment, it can be beneficial to explore new ways to reconnect romantically. Find activities or experiences that you both enjoy and make time for them. Focus on fostering shared interests, creating new memories, and rekindling the romance in your relationship.

Dealing with Changes and Marriage Problems

Addressing Changes in a Partner after Deployment

1. Being Patient and Supportive during the Adjustment Period:

   Recognize that both you and your partner may have undergone changes during deployment or TDY. Be patient as you adjust to these changes and allow each other the space and time needed to adapt. Show support by actively listening, offering understanding, and being there for each other during this transition.

2. Seeking Professional Help if Needed:

   If you notice significant changes in your partner’s behavior, mood, or well-being that persist beyond the adjustment period, it may be beneficial to seek professional help. Consider gently proposing, being careful not to convey a judgmental attitude, that your partner talk to a mental health professional who specializes in post-deployment issues. Professional guidance can provide valuable support and resources for addressing the unique challenges that arise while returning from deployment.

Managing Marriage Problems after Deployment

1. Identifying Underlying Issues and Communication Breakdowns:

   Deployment or TDY can uncover or intensify underlying issues in a relationship. Take the time to identify and address these issues with open and honest communication. Reflect on any breakdowns in communication that may have occurred during deployment and work together to improve the way you communicate with each other.

2. Seeking Relationship Support Programs:

   If you find that the problems in your relationship persist or become overwhelming, consider seeking a relationship support program specifically designed for military couples. The OurRelationship program offers a free, online program for military couples to explore and address the challenges in their relationship. However, another alternative to consider is couples counseling, click here to read if couple counseling is right for your relationship. 


By implementing strategies to reconnect emotionally and nurture physical intimacy, you and your partner can overcome the obstacles that arise when one of you returns from deployment or TDY. Should these challenges persist, seeking professional help or joining relationship support programs specifically designed for military couples, such as this one, can provide valuable guidance and resources. With these tools and strategies, you can navigate the complexities of post-deployment life and emerge with a strengthened and fulfilling relationship that withstands the trials of military service.

The post How To Reconnect With Your Partner After Military Deployment appeared first on OurRelationship.

Reintegration: Welcoming Your Partner Home From Deployment

by Jackson Weiser

Reuniting with your partner after a military deployment or temporary duty assignment (TDY) is an eagerly anticipated moment filled with excitement and relief. However, it’s important to recognize that the journey of reintegration may present its own set of challenges.  Luckily, with patience, understanding, and a commitment to each other, you can navigate the post-deployment period with grace and strengthen the love you share. In the sections that follow, we’ll go over practical tips and strategies to help you along the way.

The Reintegration Process

Understanding the Stages of Reintegration after Deployment

Reintegrating with your partner after a military deployment or TDY involves navigating through various stages. Recognizing and understanding these stages can help both partners manage expectations and emotions effectively.

Initial Reunion and Excitement:

   The initial reunion is often filled with excitement, joy, and relief. It’s a time to celebrate being together again and catch up on missed moments. Emotions may be intense during this stage, as you both try to reconnect and adjust to being physically close again.

Disillusionment and Adjustment:

   After the initial excitement settles, it’s common to experience a period of disillusionment and adjustment. It may feel as though reality is setting in, and you both may face challenges in readjusting to daily routines, roles, and responsibilities. It’s important to be patient and understanding during this phase, as it may take time to find a new rhythm as a couple.

Rebuilding and Reconnecting:

   The rebuilding stage is where you focus on reconnecting emotionally and rebuilding the relationship. It involves actively working on communication, trust, and intimacy. This stage offers an opportunity to rediscover shared interests, create new memories, and strengthen the bond that was temporarily disrupted by deployment or TDY.

Welcoming Your Partner Home

Creating a Warm and Welcoming Environment:

   Before your partner’s arrival, take the time to create a warm and inviting space. Consider cleaning and/or decorating your home to make it feel cozy and comfortable. You could add personal touches such as photos, mementos, or their favorite things to help them feel appreciated and welcome.

Involving Family and Friends in the Celebration:

   If you think your partner would appreciate and enjoy it, a homecoming celebration is a wonderful opportunity to involve family and friends in welcoming your partner back. Coordinate with loved ones to plan a gathering or surprise event that expresses love, support, and excitement. This collective celebration can help create an atmosphere of joy and make the homecoming even more memorable.

Making the Transition Smooth

Allowing Time for Readjustment and Rest:

   Understand that your partner may need time to readjust to daily life after deployment or TDY. Be mindful of their need for rest and relaxation. Give them space to decompress, allowing them to set their own pace for reintegration. This will help ease the transition and reduce feelings of overwhelm.

Showing Patience and Understanding:

   Recognize that both you and your partner may have changed during the time apart. Be patient with each other as you adapt to new routines and roles. Understand that readjustment can bring challenges and occasional misunderstandings. Approach these situations with empathy, actively listening to each other’s perspectives, and offering understanding and support.

Expressing Gratitude and Appreciation

Acknowledging the Sacrifices Made during Deployment:

   Take time to express your gratitude for the sacrifices your partner made during deployment or TDY. Let them know how much you appreciate their dedication, courage, and commitment to their service. Acknowledge the challenges they faced and the strength they demonstrated throughout the deployment.

Offering Gestures of Love and Support:

   Show your love and support through meaningful gestures. These can include simple acts of kindness, such as preparing their favorite meal, organizing a relaxing day together, or writing a heartfelt letter expressing your love and pride. Small gestures can go a long way in reaffirming your bond and making your partner feel valued and cherished. You can find information on the importance of gestures such as date nights here.

Addressing the Emotional and Psychological Aspects of Reintegration

Coping with Mixed Emotions and Expectations:

   Both partners may experience a mix of emotions during reintegration. You both may also have different expectations of what reintegration will be like. It’s common to feel joy, relief, anxiety, or even a sense of sadness. Recognize that these emotions are normal and allow space for each other to express and process them. Additionally, managing expectations is crucial, as the realities of post-deployment life may differ from what was imagined during the separation.

Recognizing Potential Changes in Both Partners:

  The time and different experiences you both had while separated can change you in various ways. It’s important to acknowledge and understand that both of you may have undergone personal growth, faced challenges, or developed new perspectives during the time apart. Embrace these changes and approach your partner with openness and curiosity. Take the time to learn about each other’s experiences and support one another through the process of adjustment.

Communicating Openly and Honestly about Feelings and Experiences:

   Effective communication is key to successful reintegration. Create a safe and non-judgmental space for open and honest conversations about feelings, experiences, and expectations. Active listening, empathy, and validation are essential during this phase. Share your thoughts, concerns, and aspirations, and encourage your partner to do the same. This kind of communication fosters understanding, strengthens emotional bonds, and paves the way for a more connected relationship.

Finding Support:

 If you find that the problems in your relationship persist or become overwhelming, consider seeking a relationship support program specifically designed for military couples. The OurRelationship program offers a free, online program for both active-duty/Guard/Reserve and Veteran couples to explore and address the challenges in your relationships.

By recognizing the stages of reintegration and addressing the emotional and psychological aspects involved, you and your partner can navigate the post-deployment phase with greater understanding and resilience. Remember, reconnection takes time, effort, and patience, but by working together, you can build a stronger and more fulfilling relationship.


To all military couples, we want to offer words of encouragement and support. We understand the unique challenges you face and the sacrifices you make for your country and each other. Remember that you are not alone in your journey. Reach out to your support network (whether it’s friends, family, or fellow military couples) for understanding and empathy. Seek solace in knowing that many couples have successfully navigated the challenges of deployment and reintegration, and you can too. 


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The post Reintegration: Welcoming Your Partner Home From Deployment appeared first on OurRelationship.

Navigating Love and Service: Building Strong LGBTQ+ Military Relationships

by Jackson Weiser

In the military, love and service go hand in hand. For LGBTQ+ individuals who serve, the journey of navigating both their identity and their relationships can be uniquely challenging. However, it is essential to recognize the significance of building strong and healthy relationships within the military context. These relationships not only provide love and support but also contribute to the overall well-being and success of individuals serving in the armed forces.

Challenges and Unique Experiences

LGBTQ+ individuals in the military often face distinct challenges compared to their heterosexual counterparts. These challenges can include:

  1. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: The history of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and the subsequent repeal has created an environment where LGBTQ+ individuals may still encounter discrimination or biases.
  2. Lack of Representation: Limited visibility and representation of LGBTQ+ individuals within the military community can contribute to feelings of isolation and make it more challenging to find supportive networks.
  3. Dual Identity: Balancing personal identity and military obligations can be a complex journey, as individuals may fear prejudice or judgment from colleagues or superiors.
  4. Privacy Concerns: Concerns about privacy and maintaining confidentiality can be more pronounced for gay military couples due to potential judgment or discomfort from others.

Importance of Building Strong Relationships

Despite these challenges, investing in strong and healthy relationships is crucial for LGBTQ+ individuals in the military. Building strong relationships within the military context offers the following benefits:

  1. Emotional Support: Having a supportive partner who understands the unique experiences and challenges of military life can provide emotional stability and resilience.
  2. Shared Understanding: Being in a same-sex relationship with someone in the military allows for shared experiences, understanding the demands of service, and the ability to navigate them together.
  3. Resilience and Coping: Strong relationships provide a sense of stability and a support system during challenging times, such as deployments or frequent relocations.

By recognizing the challenges and valuing the importance of building strong relationships, LGBTQ+ individuals in the military can lay the foundation for a fulfilling and thriving personal life while fulfilling their duty to serve their country.

Communication as the Foundation of Strong Relationships

Open and Honest Communication

In same-gender military relationships, open and honest communication plays a crucial role in fostering understanding, trust, and resilience. It allows partners to connect on a deeper level and navigate the unique challenges they face. Here’s why it’s essential:

  • Building Trust: Open communication creates an environment of trust and transparency, where partners can feel safe to share their thoughts, feelings, and concerns.
  • Normalize Conflict: Understand that disagreements and challenges are a natural part of any relationship. They provide opportunities for growth and understanding when addressed constructively. Effective communication helps address conflicts promptly and constructively, minimizing misunderstandings and resentment.
  • Emotional Intimacy: Openly expressing emotions and vulnerabilities fosters emotional intimacy, strengthening the bond between partners.

For more on why communication is vital in relationships, click here.

Practical Tips for Effective Communication

To enhance communication within same-sex military relationships, consider these practical tips:

  • Active Listening: Actively listen to your partner by giving them your full attention, maintaining eye contact, and providing verbal and non-verbal cues to show understanding and support.
  • Expressing Emotions: Encourage each other to express emotions openly and without judgment, creating a safe space to share joys, concerns, and fears.
  • Clarify Expectations: Communicate your needs and expectations clearly, discussing topics such as roles, responsibilities, and future plans to ensure mutual understanding. For more on this, click here.

Setting Boundaries and Managing Expectations

The military lifestyle can be demanding, making it crucial to set boundaries and manage expectations within the relationship. Consider the following:

  • Establishing Boundaries: Discuss and establish boundaries regarding personal time, career aspirations, and other aspects of life to ensure a healthy work-life balance.
  • Managing Expectations: Recognize the realities of military life and manage expectations accordingly. Understand that unexpected changes or periods of separation may occur, requiring flexibility and understanding.

Importance of a Support System

Creating a support system within the military community and seeking external resources can significantly benefit same-gender military relationships:

  • Military Community: Engage with the LGBTQ+ military community to find support, understanding, and connections with others who share similar experiences. One example is the Modern Military Association of America, the nation’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to advancing fairness and equality for the LGBTQ+ military and veteran community
  • LGBTQ+ Support Networks: Explore local and online LGBTQ+ support groups, organizations, and forums that provide guidance, resources, and a sense of community.
  • Professional Help: Consider seeking guidance from relationship counselors or therapists who specialize in working with LGBTQ+ individuals or military couples. Here at OurRelationship, we offer free programs for improving your relationship, designed specifically for military couples or same-gender couples.

Balancing Personal and Professional Lives

Balancing personal relationships with the demands of military duties can be a significant challenge for same-sex couples. It’s crucial to acknowledge and address these challenges to maintain a healthy work-life balance:

  • Time Constraints: Military obligations often come with demanding schedules and unpredictable work hours, leaving limited time for personal and relationship commitments.
  • Separation and Distance: Deployments, temporary assignments, and frequent relocations can create physical distance and separation, impacting the time spent together as a couple.
  • Emotional Strain: The stress and emotional toll of military life can affect personal relationships, requiring extra effort to ensure the well-being of both partners.

Tips for Finding a Healthy Work-Life Balance

To achieve a healthy work-life balance within the military context, consider implementing these tips:

  • Prioritization: Identify and prioritize the most important aspects of your personal life and relationship. This may involve setting boundaries and making intentional choices about how you allocate your time and energy.
  • Effective Time Management: Develop effective time management strategies, such as creating schedules, setting realistic goals, and maximizing quality time spent together.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Communicate openly with your partner about your work commitments, scheduling conflicts, and the need for support. Collaborate on finding creative solutions to ensure both personal and professional needs are met.

For more about balancing time spent together in your relationship, click here.

Self-Care and Stress Management

Taking care of oneself is vital for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling same-gender military relationship. Both partners should prioritize self-care and stress management:

  • Self-Care Practices: Engage in activities that promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being, such as exercise, hobbies, mindfulness, and self-reflection.
  • Support Each Other: Encourage and support each other in practicing self-care. Be mindful of each other’s needs and provide space for personal growth and rejuvenation.
  • Stress Management Techniques: Develop healthy coping mechanisms for managing stress, such as practicing relaxation techniques, seeking counseling support, and utilizing resources provided by the military.

For signs that stress is impacting your relationship, click here.


Your relationship is valuable, and it deserves your attention and care. It’s important to prioritize your connection with your partner and invest in its growth. Remember, seeking support when needed is a sign of strength and dedication to building a strong and thriving relationship. Don’t hesitate to reach out for professional guidance or utilize available resources.


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The post Navigating Love and Service: Building Strong LGBTQ+ Military Relationships appeared first on OurRelationship.

Common Questions Asked About Dating A Military Man

by Jackson Weiser

We often get various questions about dating military men. Whether you just started dating a military man or you’ve been together for some time, we hope to provide some clarity to questions we receive about dating someone in the military.

“What do military guys look for in a girl?”

Military guys, just like anyone else, look for someone they can connect with emotionally, intellectually, and physically. They value qualities such as loyalty, understanding, and flexibility in their partners.

“Why are military guys so clingy?”

Military life can be unpredictable, and deployments and separations can make couples feel like they’re constantly in a state of transition. This can make military guys feel more clingy or needy than usual, as they crave the stability and comfort of a relationship during challenging times.

“Why do military guys move fast in relationships?”

Military life is fast-paced and full of change. When a military man meets someone they connect with, they may feel like they need to move quickly because they don’t know when their circumstances might change.

“Why do military guys fall in love so fast?”

Similarly to moving fast in relationships, military guys may fall in love quickly because they want to make the most of their time with their partner. The threat of deployment or separation can make them feel like they need to act quickly to solidify their relationship.

“Why does my military boyfriend seem emotionless?”

Whether you are dating a veteran or someone who is currently in the military, PTSD can manifest itself in a seemingly emotionless outward appearance. Unfortunately, many veterans and servicemen suffer from PTSD, so they might have difficulty expressing positive emotions as a result of re-experiencing traumatic states.1

“Are military guys faithful?”

Just like with any other group of people, there are both faithful and unfaithful individuals among military guys. It’s unfair to generalize an entire group based on the actions of a few. However, military life can be stressful and challenging, which can sometimes put a strain on relationships. It’s important to have open and honest communication with your partner about your expectations and boundaries.

“How do I know if a military guy likes me?”

There are a few signs that a military guy may be interested in you. He may make an effort to spend time with you, initiate conversations, and ask you questions about yourself. He may also show concern for your well-being and try to make you feel comfortable and supported. It’s important to remember, however, that not everyone shows their interest in the same way. Some military men might be more reserved or shy. Therefore, if you’re unsure about how someone feels about you, the best thing to do would be to ask them directly. 


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  1. Litz, B. T., & Gray, M. J. (2002). Emotional numbing in posttraumatic stress disorder: current and future research directions. The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry, 36(2), 198–204.


The post Common Questions Asked About Dating A Military Man appeared first on OurRelationship.

Pros And Cons Of Marrying A Military Man

by Jackson Weiser

If you’re a military girlfriend who’s thinking about taking the next step with your partner, there are some important things to consider. While becoming a military wife can come with many advantages, it also comes with its own unique set of challenges. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of being a military spouse and offer tips on how to navigate the difficulties that come with military life. Whether you’re already in a military relationship or just considering one, we hope this article will provide you with valuable insights and information to help you make informed decisions about your future.

Advantages Of Becoming A Military Wife

If you’re a military girlfriend and you’re considering marriage, there are a number of things to keep in mind. Here are some of the benefits of becoming a military spouse: 

  • Sense of Patriotism: Military men are often dedicated to their country and willing to sacrifice for their country’s sake. This sense of duty and patriotism can be attractive and inspiring to their partners.
  • Travel Opportunities: Military life often involves moving to different locations around the world, providing an opportunity to experience different cultures and meet new people.
  • Financial Benefits: Military men receive financial benefits, such as steady pay and health insurance, which can provide a sense of stability in a relationship.
  • Strong Work Ethic: Military men are trained to be disciplined, responsible, and hardworking, which can be desirable traits in a partner.

Challenges to Consider

  • Frequent Moves and Deployments: Military life often involves frequent moves and long periods of separation due to deployments. This can put a strain on the relationship and require a great deal of patience and resilience.
  • Emotional Distance: Military men may struggle with emotional detachment due to their training and experiences, which can make it difficult for them to express their feelings and connect with their partners.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Due to the nature of military service, some servicemen struggle with PTSD or TBI. These can have significant impacts on the relationship.
  • Uncertainty and Stress: Military life can be unpredictable and stressful, which can be challenging for both the service member and their partner.

How to Navigate the Cons

To navigate the challenges of dating a military man, it is important to:

  • Communicate Openly: Communication is key in any relationship, but especially in a military relationship. Make sure to honestly discuss your expectations and concerns with your partner.
  • Be Patient and Understanding: Military life can be unpredictable and stressful, so it’s important to be patient and understanding with your partner. Try to be flexible and adaptable, and consider that your partner may be doing their best to balance their service and their personal life.
  • Take Care of Yourself: It is important to solidify your own independence and concentrate on yourself, especially if your partner is away on deployment. Engage in healthy habits and practices such as mindfulness in order to stay present and reduce stress or anxiety, as well.
  • Seek Support: Don’t be afraid to seek support from friends, family, or a professional counselor. Joining a support group or seeking military couples counseling can also be helpful in navigating the challenges of military life. Here at OurRelationship, we offer a free program designed for military couples that has been proven to improve relationship and individual problems such as depression and anxiety.  

Tips for a Successful Military Marriage

  • Understand and embrace the military lifestyle and culture
  • Communicate effectively and often with your partner
  • Establish realistic expectations for your relationship and each other
  • Prioritize quality time together when possible
  • Make time for self-care and individual pursuits
  • Seek support when needed

How to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance as a Military Couple

  • Set boundaries between work and personal life
  • Find ways to decompress after a long day or week
  • Prioritize rest and relaxation
  • Pursue hobbies and interests outside of work
  • Support each other’s careers and personal goals

To read about how to make your long-distance military relationship work, click here.


Dating a military man can be a unique and rewarding experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges. To navigate these challenges, it’s important to understand the key aspects of military life and culture, be patient and adaptable, and communicate openly with your partner. Emotional challenges can also arise, and it’s important to know that there are resources available for support. 

If you are struggling in your military relationship, know that you are not alone. Seek support from military resources or consider counseling to help navigate the challenges. With the right tools and mindset, you and your partner can overcome any obstacle and build a strong, fulfilling relationship that can withstand the challenges of military life.

Learn More about How to Improve Your Relationship!

The post Pros And Cons Of Marrying A Military Man appeared first on OurRelationship.

How To Make Your Long-Distance Military Relationship Work

by Jackson Weiser

Unlike other long-distance relationships, dating an individual in the military can bring up a host of unique challenges. Deployments, temporary duty assignments (TDY), different time zones, and limited communication can all make military relationships challenging. However, it is possible for your relationship to survive and even thrive under these circumstances. By following the tips in this article, you can make the most out of your long-distance military relationship.

Communication is Key

Long-distance military relationships require extra effort in order to stay connected and maintain a strong relationship. That’s why communication is absolutely key! 

Regular communication is essential for building trust and intimacy in your relationship. This is especially true when you can’t physically be together. It is important to actively listen during your conversations, and be honest about how you feel and what’s on your mind, even if it isn’t pleasant. This also means being patient and understanding when communication isn’t always easy, whether due to time differences, technical difficulties, or other factors.

So, try to make communication a top priority in your long-distance military relationship. Use a variety of communication methods, such as texting, calling, or video calls to keep things interesting and mix it up. Maintaining consistent communication may take extra effort, but it’s worth it to maintain a strong, healthy relationship despite the miles between you. If you or your partner has trouble expressing their thoughts and feelings, here is a link to another one of our articles that can help you with that.

Embrace Your Independence

We are aware that having a long-distance military relationship can be challenging, but it can also be a chance for personal development. When your companion is gone, you have more time to concentrate on yourself, explore your own interests and hobbies, and solidify your own identity. Embracing your freedom and making the most of your alone time are as essential as staying in touch and making time for your relationship. Here are some examples of what you can do:

Get involved in your community

Even if your partner isn’t away, it is always a good idea to get involved in your community. Whether it be volunteering, taking classes, or playing sports, there are many ways to feel connected with the people around you and gain fulfillment without the presence of your partner. 

Hone a skill

Making steady progress on a skill is one of the best ways to feel accomplished and independent. As you see yourself getting better and better, you will feel more confident in other parts of your life as well. You could even surprise your partner with your new talent when they return. 

Go on a solo adventure

Traveling by yourself is another great way to embrace your time alone. You don’t need to go far, either. Simply going across town can be a refreshing experience. If you’ve never traveled alone before, you might be pleasantly surprised by the fact that you can do it completely at your own pace.

Embracing your independence also takes some of the pressure off your partner, who may feel guilty or stressed about being away from you.

Of course, it’s important to find the right balance between independence and couple time. You don’t want to become so focused on your own interests that you neglect your relationship altogether. But by becoming a more independent person, you develop a healthier, more balanced relationship with your partner overseas.

Plan for the Future

One of the biggest challenges of a long-distance military relationship is the uncertainty about the future. With deployments, training, and relocations, it can be hard to know what’s coming next and how to plan for it. But having a plan, both short-term and long-term, can help you and your partner feel more secure and confident about your future together.

Short-term plans

This might include things like scheduling regular visits, setting aside time for video chats and phone calls, and planning special events or surprises for each other. These can help keep the relationship feeling fresh and exciting, even when you aren’t physically together.

Long-term plans

This might include things like discussing where you want to live when your partner is done with their deployment or TDY, talking about career goals and aspirations, and considering how you might build a life together once the deployment or TDY is over. Having a shared vision for the future can give you both something to work towards, and can help you weather the ups and downs that might occur along the way.

So, sit down with your partner and have an honest conversation about your goals and aspirations, both individually and as a couple. Brainstorm ways to make those goals a reality, and make a plan for how you’ll work towards them together. Even if the plan changes along the way, having a shared vision for the future can help keep your relationship strong and thriving despite the distance.

Keep the Romance Alive

Being in a long-distance military relationship doesn’t mean that the romance has to fizzle out. With a little effort and creativity, you can keep the spark alive and make your partner feel loved and appreciated, even when you’re miles apart. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Surprise Visits

Nothing says “I love you” like a surprise visit from your partner. If you’re able to plan a visit, try to keep it a secret until the last minute for an extra element of surprise. Even if you can only visit for a short time, the gesture can go a long way in making your partner feel special.

Virtual Dates

Thanks to technology, there are plenty of ways to have a “date” with your partner even when you’re not in the same room. Plan a virtual dinner date, movie night, or game night using video chat or screen sharing. You can even send each other food or snacks to enjoy together during the date.

Love Letters

In a world of instant messaging and texting, there’s something especially romantic about a handwritten love letter. Take the time to write down your feelings and send a physical letter or care package to your partner. It’s a tangible reminder of your love that they can hold onto and cherish.

Remember, the key to keeping the romance alive in a long-distance military relationship is to stay intentional and make the effort to show your partner that you really care and are thinking about them. By planning surprise visits, virtual dates, and sending love letters, you can keep the spark alive and show your partner that distance doesn’t diminish your love.

Acknowledge the Unique Challenges and Rewards

The Challenges

These might include frequent moves, deployments, and the stress and anxiety that come with military life. It can be difficult to maintain a sense of stability and routine when your partner’s job requires them to be away from home and potentially in danger for extended periods of time.

The Rewards

There are also unique rewards to being in a military relationship. For example, you and your partner are both part of a larger community that values service, sacrifice, and patriotism. This means that they understand your feelings and worries, so they are well equipped to offer support and empathy.

Another positive of the military relationship is that you may have the opportunity to travel and experience different parts of the country or the world. You also get to be a part of your partner’s journey as they grow and develop in their military career.

Acknowledging the challenges and rewards of military life can help you and your partner maintain perspective and find ways to support each other through the ups and downs. It’s important to be open and honest about your feelings and experiences, and to actively work together to navigate the unique challenges of military life. Celebrate the unique aspects of your partnership while also finding ways to support each other through the tough times.


By following these tips and finding creative ways to support each other, you can overcome the unique challenges of a long-distance military relationship and build a strong and lasting partnership. 


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The post How To Make Your Long-Distance Military Relationship Work appeared first on OurRelationship.
