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Tips for a Relationship with a More Sexually Experienced Partner

by Jackson Weiser and Charlotte Cremers

It can be both thrilling and intimidating to date someone with more sexual experience – especially someone who has explored many different aspects of their sexuality. In this article, we’ll delve into tips for a relationship with a more sexually experienced partner and offer guidance for how to navigate this with grace and confidence. 

Understanding Your Feelings

When dating someone more sexually experienced, it’s natural to experience a range of emotions, including insecurity and uncertainty. It’s often helpful to acknowledge these feelings and address them in a healthy way. Here are some key points to consider:

Potential insecurities or uncertainties: It’s common to feel insecure about your own level of experience compared to your partner’s. Remember that everyone has their own unique journey, and your worth as an individual is not solely defined by your sexual history (just like your partner’s isn’t).

The importance of self-acceptance and self-confidence: You can’t change what you haven’t (or have!) experienced yet, but you can change how you frame a lack of experience. It can be an exciting thing that you have exploration and learning in front of you. You deserve a partner that is excited to go through this process with you and patient to go at a pace you feel comfortable with. Build your self-confidence by also acknowledging other positive qualities and the unique attributes you bring to the relationship.

Embracing Open Communication

Effective communication is crucial in any relationship, especially when it comes to matters of intimacy and sexuality.

  1. Engage in honest conversations about sexual history: While discussing sexual history can feel uncomfortable, it’s essential to have open and honest conversations with your partner. Try to approach these discussions with curiosity and respect, creating a safe space for both of you to share your experiences. Remember that transparency can strengthen your bond and increase understanding.
  2. Address concerns and ask questions respectfully: If you have concerns or questions about your partner’s past experiences, it’s crucial to address them in a respectful manner. Try to avoid judgment, assumptions, or pressure to disclose; instead, express your thoughts with empathy and understanding. Sexual experience, or the lack thereof, simply reflects what you have or have not done – not who you are as a person. 
  3. Open communication can increase understanding and connection: Engaging in open communication about sexual history can lead to a deeper understanding of your partner’s desires, boundaries, and preferences. This knowledge can create a stronger emotional and physical connection between you. By actively listening and empathizing, you can build trust and foster an environment of mutual respect.

Remember, open communication isn’t solely about discussing the past but also about ongoing dialogue regarding your present desires and expectations. 

Cultivating Trust and Mutual Respect

Building a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect is vital when dating someone more sexually experienced. Here are suggestions for how to do that:

  1. Build trust: Trust is essential for a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Feeling as though you can trust your partner to be compassionate when you bring up sensitive topics is crucial. This level of trust can take some time to cultivate in your relationship. It might be a good idea to take incremental steps in cultivating trust and mutual respect with your partner by seeing how they react when you share your more surface-level insecurities and feelings. If they reciprocate and demonstrate compassion, then you can move on to sharing your deeper thoughts and feelings. This is a good way to feel safe when bringing up the topic of sexual experience with your partner. 
  2. Set boundaries and discuss comfort levels: Boundaries are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. Discuss and establish clear boundaries that align with both partners’ comfort levels. Communicate your boundaries openly and respectfully, and encourage your partner to do the same. By openly discussing boundaries, you can create a safe and respectful space for exploring intimacy together.

Learning from Each Other

When dating someone more sexually experienced, there is a unique opportunity to learn and grow together as a couple. Here are key points to consider in embracing this opportunity:

  1. Explore the opportunity to learn and grow together: Try to view your partner’s experience as an opportunity for personal growth and discovery. Embrace the chance to learn from their insights, techniques, and perspectives. Likewise, your own unique perspective can enrich their understanding. By sharing openly and honestly, you can foster a deep sense of connection and mutual growth.
  2. Encourage a supportive and non-competitive mindset: It’s essential to maintain a supportive and non-competitive mindset when exploring intimacy with someone more sexually experienced. Try to avoid comparing yourself to their past partners or feeling inadequate. Instead, try to focus on building a healthy and fulfilling connection based on trust, respect, and shared exploration. Celebrate each other’s unique journeys and experiences.

For more tips on overcoming sexual difficulties in your relationship, click here.

Exploring New Experiences

Being with a more sexually-experienced partner can also be an exciting opportunity. Here are some ideas on how to take advantage of it:

  1. Discuss the potential for trying new things together: Openly communicate with your partner about your desires to explore new experiences. Discuss your fantasies, interests, and curiosities. Explore the potential for trying new activities that can deepen your intimacy and connection. Be receptive to your partner’s suggestions as well, creating a space for mutual exploration and growth.
  2. Open-mindedness and curiosity: Embrace an open-minded and curious approach to exploring new experiences. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and try things that may be unfamiliar. Allow yourself to embrace the pleasure and growth that comes with exploring uncharted territory.
  3. Consent and mutual enjoyment: Consent is of utmost importance in any sexual encounter. Prioritize open and ongoing communication about boundaries, desires, and comfort levels. Respect each other’s boundaries and check in for enthusiastic consent before trying something new. Remember that the key is mutual enjoyment and pleasure for both partners, creating a safe and satisfying experience.

Seeking Support

If you and your partner find yourselves facing challenges or uncertainties that feel overwhelming, consider online relationship support as an option. The OurRelationship program can help you and your partner develop more effective communication to discuss your core issues without judgment. Click here to learn more and find out if you qualify for the program for free. Couple counseling is another option to consider; click here to learn if couple counseling is right for your relationship.


Navigating a relationship with someone more sexually experienced can be both exciting and challenging. Embrace this unique opportunity for growth and learning in your relationship. Remember that open communication, trust, and respect are the pillars of a healthy and fulfilling connection. By nurturing these aspects, you can build a strong foundation for a relationship that celebrates each other’s experiences and fosters deep emotional and sexual intimacy.

The post Tips for a Relationship with a More Sexually Experienced Partner appeared first on OurRelationship.

Signs of Commitment Issues and How To Deal With Them

by Jackson Weiser and Charlotte Cremers

In many romantic relationships, commitment often plays a vital role in fostering trust, stability, and long-term happiness. It serves as a strong foundation that allows individuals to build a deeper emotional connection and navigate the challenges that come their way. Unfortunately, many individuals still struggle with fully committing to their partner–which can make it more difficult for them to reach their relationship goals.

Understanding “Commitment Issues”

“Commitment issues” refer to emotional barriers or fears that prevent individuals from fully engaging in or sustaining a committed romantic relationship. It involves a reluctance or resistance to enter into long-term commitments or maintain a deep emotional connection with a partner. It is sometimes referred to as an “avoidant” attachment style.

Commitment issues struggles

  1. Fear of commitment: A pervasive fear or anxiety surrounding the idea of committing to a long-term relationship. This fear may stem from concerns about losing personal freedom, fear of intimacy, or the possibility of being hurt or rejected.
  2. Difficulty making long-term plans: Individuals with commitment issues may struggle to make or follow through with plans that extend into the future. They may avoid discussions or decisions regarding important milestones in the relationship, such as moving in together, getting married, or starting a family.
  3. Avoidance of relationship labels: People with commitment issues may resist or avoid defining the relationship with labels like “boyfriend” or “girlfriend.” They may prefer to keep the relationship label-free, fearing the responsibilities or expectations associated with formal relationship titles.
  4. Pattern of short-term relationships: Commitment-averse individuals often find themselves in a series of short-term relationships that end when their partners begin to push for more commitment. They may experience difficulty sustaining long-term connections due to a fear of commitment or a tendency to become emotionally detached after a certain period.
  5. Inability to envision a future together: Those with commitment issues struggle to imagine or plan a shared future with their partner. They may have difficulty picturing themselves in a committed, long-term relationship and may avoid discussing or considering future goals, aspirations, or shared plans.

Factors contributing to commitment issues

  1. Past romantic relationship experiences: Negative or traumatic experiences in past relationships, such as betrayal, abandonment, or heartbreak, may create emotional barriers and make it challenging to trust and fully commit in future relationships. 
  2. Fear of vulnerability or intimacy: Opening up and being emotionally vulnerable requires a level of trust that can be challenging for individuals who fear being hurt or rejected.
  3. Attachment styles: Attachment styles developed in early childhood can influence how individuals approach and experience relationships. Avoidant attachment styles can be formed in situations where parents are consistently unavailable or unresponsive to a child’s needs. Those early experiences start a pattern of avoidance that continues into adulthood.
  4. Personal insecurities or low self-esteem: These individuals may doubt their own worthiness of love and worry about being inadequate in a relationship.
  5. Emotional trauma or unresolved issues: These unresolved issues may create emotional barriers that prevent deep connection and commitment.
  6. Mental health conditions: Certain mental health conditions, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), can contribute to commitment issues. The challenges associated with ADHD, such as impulsivity and difficulty with long-term planning, can make it harder for individuals to commit and maintain relationships1.

Understanding these signs, symptoms, and contributing factors is essential in addressing and overcoming commitment issues. By recognizing and addressing the underlying causes, individuals can work towards developing healthier patterns of commitment and nurturing fulfilling relationships.

How Do You Know if You Have Commitment Issues? 

Self-reflection and introspection

Assessing your own commitment issues requires honest self-reflection and introspection. Take the time to delve into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors surrounding commitment in relationships. Self-awareness is the first step towards understanding and addressing any challenges you may have. Reflect on your past relationships and see if you can spot any patterns or recurring themes that might suggest a reluctance or fear of commitment. Also, consider whether you experience anxiety or discomfort when faced with the idea of long-term commitment. This introspection can provide insights into the root causes of your commitment issues.

Dealing With Commitment Issues

If you decide you want to become more comfortable with commitment, there are a few things you can do to help achieve that:

1. Open and honest communication

Discussing fears and concerns with your partner: Openly communicate your fears and concerns about commitment with your partner. If you know you don’t want to move forward with your current relationship, honestly sharing these thoughts and emotions with your partner will allow both of you to make the right decision for your relationship. 

Setting realistic expectations and boundaries: Establish clear and realistic expectations and boundaries within your relationship. This helps create a sense of security and ensures that both partners are on the same page regarding the level of commitment and the pace of progress.

2. Gradual exposure to commitment

Taking small steps towards commitment: This could involve committing to short-term goals or making incremental, manageable commitments within the relationship. 

Celebrating progress and acknowledging achievements: Recognize and celebrate each milestone and achievement along the way. Acknowledge the progress you make, no matter how small, as it reinforces positive changes and motivates further growth.

3. Patience and understanding

Allowing time for personal growth and healing: Becoming more comfortable with commitment is a journey that requires patience and understanding. Be patient with yourself and allow time for personal growth and healing. Recognize that change takes time and progress may come in stages. 

Being compassionate towards oneself and others: Be understanding of your own struggles and extend the same empathy to your partner. It is also important to understand that full, long-term commitment may not always be the best option for you, depending on the situation. Don’t force yourself into commitment if you feel as though the relationship or circumstances aren’t right for you.

4. Seeking help

Relationship support programs: Consider enrolling in a relationship support program specifically designed to address commitment issues. These programs provide a supportive and structured environment where you can explore the root causes of your commitment issues and learn strategies to overcome them. At OurRelationship, our self-driven program can help you and your partner explore and address the challenges in your relationship as well as learn better ways to communicate.

Individual therapy or counseling: Engaging in individual therapy or counseling can be immensely helpful in addressing commitment issues. A trained therapist can help you explore and understand the underlying factors contributing to your commitment struggles. Through personalized sessions, you can work on developing healthier patterns of thinking and behavior in relationships.

Supporting a Partner with Commitment Issues

Recognizing and validating their feelings

Understand that their fears and concerns are real and significant to them. Let them know that you respect their emotions and are there to support them. Remember that it may not be your job to change their mind, and that their unwillingness to commit may be the right choice for them and their circumstances.

Providing reassurance and support

Offer reassurance to your partner that you are committed to their well-being and the growth of the relationship. Show them through your words and actions that you are willing to work together to overcome their commitment issues. 

Encouraging professional help if necessary

If your partner’s commitment issues are causing significant distress or hindering the relationship’s progress, gently suggest seeking professional help. Encourage them to explore individual therapy or couples counseling, where they can receive expert guidance and support in addressing their commitment challenges.


Addressing and overcoming commitment issues is crucial for fostering healthier and more fulfilling relationships. Unresolved commitment issues can hinder emotional intimacy, trust, and the overall growth of a partnership. By working through these challenges, individuals can develop the capacity for deeper connections, long-lasting commitments, and increased relationship satisfaction. Remember, change takes time, and each small step towards growth is a significant achievement.



  1. Babinski, Dara  E, and Daniel A Waschbusch. “The Interpersonal Difficulties of Women  with ADHD.” The ADHD Report, vol. 24, no. 7, Nov. 2016, chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ 


The post Signs of Commitment Issues and How To Deal With Them appeared first on OurRelationship.
