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How do I disable VS Code of updating itself?

I updated my VS Code at the morning and now at night it shows a badge on setting icon for install updates. As it seems VS Code update files arrives every second to second and it makes me to install updates (it makes you to close editor and when you want to open it, take a long time to install the new updates and then opens the updated version).

I know that being up to date is cool but forcing you to update twice a day is not cool for me, so is there any way to disable vs code from updating?

UTF-8 WordPress Encoding Issue

We have a WordPress website which is suddenly displaying text and links that look like this:

Note the odd characters.

These links are generated using the EasyAzon plugin, however I do not think this problem is related to EasyAzon. If I turn off that plugin, that same text on the site displays as follows:

Note the odd chars display even with the plugin off.

That same piece of text displays in the Wordpress visual and text editors as follows. You can see that neither editor displays the odd characters:

Note the odd characters are not in the visual editor.

Note the odd characters are not in the text editor.

If I comment out the db_charset and db_collate lines in wp-config.php, this problem goes away:

//define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); //define('DB_COLLATE', '');

Or, if I keep both lines and change utf8 to latin1, the problem again goes away.

define('DB_CHARSET', 'latin1'); define('DB_COLLATE', '');

But as a side effect of both of these changes/fixes to the wp-config.php file, it breaks the editor. When editing any post, the editor window is blank (both in the visual and text editors). It's not until I return those lines above to this state that the editor returns to normal:

define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); define('DB_COLLATE', '');

How can I resolve the issue with the odd characters displaying on the website without the side effect of breaking the WP editor?

View TextEditorField as html in detail modal in easyadmin

I use EasyAdmin to manage the back office of my site created with Symfony 5.

One of my entities has a TextEditorField type field that I use with CKEditorType for forms. In the forms no problem I can do my formatting normally, however in the display board, the "View content" modal displays the raw text and not converted to HTML.

I would like to keep the modal system to see more, is it possible to see the HTML text in this modal? Here is the field declared in my crud

        `TextEditorField::new('contenu', 'Descriptif')
        TextEditorField::new('contenu', 'Descriptif')->hideOnForm(),`

see the table see the modal

Thank you for your help

I tried to use the TextareaField type because it can display as html but my content is too long and I need to see it in a pop-up and not in the table.
