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Find remaining queens for nqueens problem

As the title says, I have to find the remaining queens for the nqueens problem, but I have not use recursive calls and I have to use stacks and backtracking. Currently I have:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define MAX_N 11

typedef struct {
    int row;
    int col;
} Queen;

typedef struct {
    int top;
    Queen items[MAX_N];
} Stack;

void initStack(Stack* stack) {
    stack->top = -1;

void push(Stack* stack, Queen queen) {
    if (stack->top < MAX_N - 1) {
        stack->items[stack->top] = queen;

Queen pop(Stack* stack) {
    if (stack->top >= 0) {
        return stack->items[stack->top];
    Queen emptyQueen = { -1, -1 }; // Return an invalid queen
    return emptyQueen;

// Helper function to check if a queen can be placed at (row, col)
bool isValid(Queen queens[], int numQueens, int row, int col) {
    for (int i = 0; i < numQueens; i++) {
        if (queens[i].row == row || queens[i].col == col ||
            queens[i].row - queens[i].col == row - col ||
            queens[i].row + queens[i].col == row + col) {
            return false; // Queens attack each other
    return true;

void solveQueens(int max_queens, Queen* initQs, int numInitQ) {
    Queen queens[MAX_N];
    Stack stack;

    // Initialize with initial queens
    for (int i = 0; i < numInitQ; i++) {
        queens[i] = initQs[i];

    int numQueens = numInitQ;
    int row = numInitQ; // Start from the next row

    while (numQueens < max_queens) {
        bool found = false;
        for (int col = 0; col < max_queens; col++) {
            if (isValid(queens, numQueens, row, col)) {
                queens[numQueens] = (Queen){ row, col };
                found = true;
        if (!found) {   //backtrack, pop the queen
            queens[numQueens - 1] = pop(&stack);
            row = queens[numQueens - 1].row + 1;
            if(numQueens <= numInitQ){  //there are not enough queens in total, therefore no solution
                printf("no solution\n");
        } else {
            push(&stack, queens[numQueens - 1]);

    // Print the solution
    for (int i = 0; i < numQueens; i++) {
        printf("%d %d\n", queens[i].row, queens[i].col);

for testing, I have used the main function:

int main() {
    Queen initialQueens[] = { {0, 0} }; // Example initial queens
    int numInitialQueens = 1;
    int maxQueens = 4; // Change this to the board size
    solveQueens(maxQueens, initialQueens, numInitialQueens);
    return 0;

Which expectedly prints No Solution. However, when I try to make the board size 5 (setting maxQueens to 5) the function enters an infinite loop. My theory is that this is probably caused by the function finding a valid queen, but the total number of queens is not enough, which causes it to backtrack repeatedly. Don't take my word for the error, I could be way off but it might be a lead. Anyone got any fixes and suggestions?
