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Zrozumienie wariancji w grach kasynowych online

Zrozumienie wariancji w grach kasynowych online

Zrozumienie wariancji w grach kasynowych online jest kluczową koncepcją do zrozumienia dla graczy. Pomoże im znaleźć gry, które podpisują się swoim stylem gry i budżetem.

Wyjaśni także, dlaczego prawidłowe ruchy mogą nadal być mocne i dlaczego nie zawsze wszystko jest na twoją korzyść. Najprostszym sposobem określenia wariancji Slotu jest spojrzenie na jego tabelę wypłat.

Niska wariancja

Wariancja, również przekształcona w zmienność, jest jednym z najważniejszych aspektów dla konsumenta przy wyborze gry w kasynie online. Określa, jak często będziesz wygrywać i rozmiar tych zwycięstw, bezpośrednio wpływając na ogólne wrażenia z rozgrywki.

Chociaż nie jest możliwe poznanie dokładnej wariancji gry, możesz zyskać dobry pomysł, sprawdzając jej tabelę wypłat. Tabele wypłat zapewniają zestawienie wypłat, w tym mnożniki różnych symboli. Jeśli mnożniki dla wypłat 4 i 5 symboli są znacznie większe niż mnożniki dla 3 symboli, najbardziej lubisz grać w grę o dużej spincity ( wariancji.

Podczas gdy wielu graczy uważa gry o niskiej wariancji za przyjemniejsze, gry o wyższej zmienności mogą być bardziej satysfakcjonujące –, pod warunkiem, że grasz swoim bankrollem i stosujesz odpowiednie dopasowane strategie obstawiania. Nie jest to jednak gwarantowane, a wariancja nadal będzie miała wpływ na Twoje wyniki w krótkim okresie. Dlatego zaleca się, aby przećwiczyć kilka rund, aby poczuć ogólną wariancję gry.

Wysoka wariancja

Wariancja slotów jest ważną koncepcją do zrozumienia, ponieważ pomaga określić, jak często będziesz wygrywać i przy jakich kwotach wypłat. Jest to trudna koncepcja, aby skupić się na myśli, ponieważ prawda jest taka, że większość automatów online nie ma wyraźnego wskaźnika wariancji. Jednakże spojrzenie na mnożniki dostępne na tabeli wypłat (na przykład 3 lub 4 w rodzaju w porównaniu z 5 w rodzaju) może dać wskazówkę, jak dobrowolny jest częściowy slot.

Wariancja jest ważna, ponieważ wyjaśnia, dlaczego możesz wykonać właściwy ruch przy stole do ruletki, ale nadal przegrać, lub dlaczego możesz mieć szczęście, że trafisz 13 na ósemkę w blackjacku, ale nie odejdziesz zwycięskim uderzeniem. Zrozumienie wariancji pomoże Ci zarządzać swoimi odkryciami, wybierać najlepsze gry dla Twojego stylu gry i utrzymać Cię w grze na dłużej podczas wahań w dół.

Średnia wariancja

W świecie kasyn online istnieje wiele różnych typów automatów o średniej wariancji. Dadzą one graczom kombinację połowy przyzwoitych zwycięstw i wygranych gestami żetonów bardziej swobodnie niż gry o niskiej lub dużej zmienności.

Zrozumienie wariancji slotów jest kluczowym czynnikiem przy wyborze odpowiedniej gry dla Twojego bankrolla. Na przykład $100 może trwać godzinę w grze o wysokiej wariancji, ale tylko 60 minut na maszynie o niskiej wariancji.

Należy jednak pamiętać, że wariancja gry nie wpływa na jej odsłonięty zwrot. Na przykład obstawianie bankiera w bakaracie będzie miało pozytywny wynik egzaminu, ale nadal są momenty, które możesz stracić, nawet wykonując prawidłowy ruch. Kluczem jest zachowanie spokoju i granie kolejnego dnia. Przy odrobinie szczęścia wkrótce znów będziesz na zwycięskiej drodze! Należy pamiętać, że do tańczenia wariancji mogą wystarczyć miliony obrotów.

Wysoka zmienność

Gry kasynowe online o dużej zmienności są ekscytujące dla graczy, którzy mają dużo prywatności i rozumieją wprowadzone ryzyko. Mogą przejść dłuższe okresy bez zwycięstwa, ale te duże wypłaty mogą być warte czekania.

Ostatecznie zmienność gier na automatach jest określana przez przypadek i nie może być zmieniana przez kasyna. Nie oznacza to jednak, że nie ma strategii maksymalizującej potencjał trafienia tego jackpota.

Zrozumienie, jak niestabilna jest gra na automatach, może pomóc Ci zdecydować, czy jest ona dla Ciebie odpowiednia. Gry slotowe o niskiej zmienności oferują naukę, mniejsze wygrane, które mogą utrzymać grę, jeśli masz napięty budżet. Jeśli jednak chcesz doświadczyć dreszczyku emocji związanego z potencjałem dużych wypłat, konsumenckie automaty o dużej zmienności. Dzięki odrobinie badań możesz znaleźć grę na automatach online, która jest idealna dla Twojego stylu gry i bankrolla. Powodzenia! & nie zapomnij sprawdzić wyboru darmowych automatów Chipy.

Massimizzazione dei bonus di benvenuto del casinò online

Massimizzazione dei bonus di benvenuto del casinò online

Massimizzare i bonus di benvenuto online del casinò richiede una miscela di strategia e conoscenza. Per rivendicare con successo questi uffici, la chiave sta nella comprensione dei loro termini e condizioni, nella selezione di giochi con un elevato RTP (Return On Investment), nella gestione saggia del tuo bankroll e nell'essere informato sulle nuove promozioni.

Ogni bonus del casinò comporta determinate condizioni, come requisiti di scommessa e restrizioni di gioco. A volte queste richieste possono creare confusione e i vincoli di tempo rendono il loro incontro casting.

Bonus senza deposito

I casinò online spesso forniscono bonus e promozioni che attirano i nuovi arrivati, inclusi bonus senza deposito che consentono ai giocatori di provare un casinò senza rischiare i propri fondi. Questa funzione può essere parzialmente utile per i nuovi giocatori che provano piattaforme di casinò; potrebbero scoprire rapidamente i loro giochi preferiti con questa strategia. Sfortunatamente, tali bonus hanno spesso requisiti di scommessa e restrizioni di gioco che devono essere soddisfatti prima di riceverne winnita app ( uno.

Per sfruttare appieno queste offerte, i giocatori dovrebbero rivedere attentamente i termini e le condizioni e selezionare i giochi che si allineano con la struttura del bonus. Inoltre, le promozioni in corso come i bonus di ricarica o i premi fedeltà che assegnano il gioco gratuito dovrebbero essere pensate per massimizzare tali offerte. Questi bonus possono allungare il bankroll di un giocatore introducendo ulteriormente possibilità di grandi vincite; i premi possono essere riscattati utilizzando codici promozionali, numeri di verifica dell'identità o informazioni di pagamento; tuttavia, se i giocatori si sentono a proprio agio nel condividere questi dati, possono utilizzare gli account proxy installati su bonus e giochi attivi.

Ricarica bonus

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I bonus di ricarica sono bonus di deposito progettati per incoraggiare il gioco continuo e la lealtà tra i giocatori esistenti. Simile ai bonus di benvenuto, ma in genere offre abbinamenti di prestazioni più piccoli. I bonus di ricarica tendono ad essere distribuiti durante periodi promozionali o giorni speciali e mirano a incidentivizzare il gameplay contenuto e le royalty.

I bonus di ricarica possono essere un modo eccellente per aggiungere un po' di grinta al tuo bankroll e giocare a più giochi, ma è importante ricordare che sono diversi in modo significativo dai bonus di benvenuto in termini di requisiti di scommessa, requisiti di ammissibilità del gioco e date di scadenza: vale la pena leggere tutti i termini e condizioni attentamente!

Giochi con RTP elevato

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Alcuni casinò forniscono bonus di ricarica come incidente per mantenere un gioco coerente, solitamente settimanale o mensile, per incoraggiare un gameplay coerente e possono essere un modo efficace per introdurre vittorie pur avendo requisiti di scommessa inferiori rispetto ai bonus di benvenuto.

Ignition Casino vanta un'ampia collezione di giochi di slot con un elevato ritorno alle tariffe dei giocatori (RTP). Come parte del suo pacchetto bonus di benvenuto, il casinò Ignition offre 200 giri gratuiti su slot selezionati, nonché bonus di ricarica e cashback che variano in base alle restrizioni del gioco; il loro bonus di benvenuto, programmi di royalty e supporto clienti di chat dal vivo; questo casinò attualmente non offre il casinò Ignition.

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Direct Methanol Fuel Cells Market Key Players Data, Industry Analysis, Segmentation, Share, Size, Opportunities and Forecast to 2029

Direct Methanol Fuel Cells Market was valued US$ 240.58 Mn. in 2022 and the total revenue is expected to grow at 12.9% through 2023 to 2029, reaching US$ 562.51 Mn.

Anticipated Growth in Revenue:

In 2022, the Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFCs) market boasted a value of US$ 240.58 million. However, projections indicate a robust growth trajectory, with revenues expected to surge at a rate of 12.9% from 2023 to 2029, ultimately reaching an impressive US$ 562.51 million.

Direct Methanol Fuel Cells Market Overview:

Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFCs) represent a pivotal technology in the realm of alternative energy. These cells, which convert the chemical energy of liquid methanol into electrical energy, have witnessed significant advancements, particularly with the adoption of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) technology. This evolution, characterized by the simplicity of construction and low-temperature processes, is poised to propel the demand for DMFCs, driving the market forward.

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Report Scope

This comprehensive report delves into the nuances of the DMFCs market, analyzing factors that influence its growth trajectory. From the expansion of research and development initiatives to the increasing commercialization efforts, the report encapsulates the myriad dynamics shaping the market landscape.

Research Methodology

Employing a rigorous research methodology, this report offers valuable insights into the DMFCs market. Through meticulous data analysis and thorough examination of industry trends, the report provides a robust foundation for understanding market dynamics and future prospects.


Several factors are driving the growth of the DMFCs market. Notably, escalating investments in research and development, coupled with initiatives aimed at commercialization, are pivotal drivers. Moreover, the versatility of DMFCs, with potential applications in vehicles and personal electronic devices, underscores their appeal, further fueling market expansion.


Despite its promising outlook, the DMFCs market is not without challenges. High initial costs associated with research and development may deter new entrants from entering the market. Additionally, regulatory constraints and technological hurdles pose potential barriers to growth.


Segmentation analysis provides invaluable insights into the DMFCs market, offering a nuanced understanding of different application domains. The portable segment, driven by the burgeoning demand for long-lasting power solutions in consumer electronics, emerges as a key growth driver.

by Component

• Electrode
• Membrane
• Balance of System
• Balance of Stack

by Type

• Serpentine Flow Field Design
• Parallel Flow Field Design

by Application

• Portable
• Stationary
• Transportation

Regional Insights

Geographically, the Asia-Pacific region commands significant attention in the DMFCs market landscape. With rapid advancements in DMFC applications across various industries, including electronics and automotive sectors, the APAC region presents lucrative opportunities for market players. However, challenges such as high R&D costs may impede the entry of new players into the market.

Direct Methanol Fuel Cells Market Key Players:

• SFC Energy AG
• Samsung SDI
• Ballard Power Systems Inc.
• Oorja Protonics Inc.
• Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies
• Meoh Power, Inc.
• Bren-Tronics Incorporated
• Treadstone Technologies Inc.
• Viaspace Inc.
• E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company
• Ird Fuel Cell A/S
• Johnson Matthey
• Fujikura Limited
• Antig Technology Co. Ltd.
• DuPont Fuel Cell
• Polyfuel Inc
• Blue World Technologies
• Fischer bunch GmbH
• Roland Gumpert
• SerEnergy A/S
• GenCell Energy

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Key questions answered in the Direct Methanol Fuel Cells Market report include:

  • What is the current size and growth trajectory of the Direct Methanol Fuel Cells market?
  • What are the key factors driving the growth of the Direct Methanol Fuel Cells market?
  • What are the major challenges faced by the Direct Methanol Fuel Cells market and how are they being addressed?
  • What are the various types of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells market available in the market and what are their respective market shares?
  • Which regions are witnessing the highest demand for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells market and what are the factors contributing to this demand?
  • What are the key technological advancements shaping the future of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells market?
  • What is the outlook for the Direct Methanol Fuel Cells market in the coming years and what factors are likely to influence its growth trajectory?

About Maximize Market Research:

Maximize Market Research stands out as a beacon of expertise in the realm of business intelligence solutions. Boasting a dedicated team of seasoned professionals hailing from a myriad of industries such as medical devices, technology, and automotive, they offer a holistic approach to understanding market dynamics. Their suite of services is comprehensive, encompassing everything from in-depth market size and trend analysis to invaluable competitor insights and strategic guidance, all meticulously tailored to the specific needs of each industry. With Maximize Market Research at your side, you gain not just information, but a clear and actionable understanding of your competitive landscape, empowering you to make informed decisions poised for future success.

Contact Maximize Market Research:

    ⮝ 3rd Floor, Navale IT park Phase 2,
    Pune Banglore Highway, Narhe
    Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India.
    ✆ +91 9607365656
🖂 [email protected]

Flexible Heater Market Revenue Share, SWOT Analysis, Product Types, Analysis and Forecast Presumption till 2029

Flexible Heater Market was valued at US$ 1.34 Bn. in 2023. The Global Flexible Heater Market size is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 7.6% over the forecast period.

Anticipated Growth in Revenue:

The global Flexible Heater Market witnessed substantial growth, valued at US$ 1.34 billion in 2023, with a projected CAGR of 7.6% over the forecast period. These heaters, adept at molding to the contours of objects, have emerged as indispensable components across various industries due to their adaptability, efficiency, and reliability.

Flexible Heater Market Overview:

Flexible heaters, designed to provide direct and efficient heat while accommodating diverse shapes and sizes, find extensive applications in automotive, aerospace, electronics, food & beverage, medical, and more. Their portability and ease of operation further augment their utility, making them a preferred choice in scenarios where weight and space constraints are paramount.

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Report Scope:

The report analyzes the global flexible heater market from 2024 to 2030, considering 2023 as the base year. It encompasses trends from the past five years, with a special focus on the exceptional circumstances of 2023, notably influenced by regional lockdowns. Through comprehensive research, the report aims to offer stakeholders a nuanced understanding of market dynamics, key players, and emerging trends.

Research Methodology:

The research methodology employed for this report involves gathering real-time data and insights from key players and major stakeholders worldwide. By leveraging a combination of primary and secondary research methodologies, including Porter and PESTEL analyses, the report provides a robust framework for evaluating market dynamics and forecasting future trends.


The escalating demand for flexible heaters across diverse industries, driven by advancements in technology and cost-effectiveness, stands as a primary driver propelling market growth. The burgeoning utilization of these heaters in electronic devices, industrial applications, and medical equipment underscores their indispensability in modern-day operations.


Despite their widespread adoption, the high operational costs associated with flexible heaters pose a significant challenge to market expansion. Moreover, intensifying competition among major and regional players could potentially impede market growth in the coming years.


The flexible heater market is segmented based on type into Silicone Rubber, Polyimide, Polyester, and Mica. Among these, Silicone Rubber emerges as the dominant segment, owing to its extensive use in semiconductor systems, electronics appliances, medical devices, aerospace, defense, and other industries.

by Type

Silicone Rubber

by Industry

Electronics & Semiconductor
Aerospace & Defense
Food & Beverages
Oil & Gas

Regional Insights:

Asia Pacific leads the global flexible heater market, driven by burgeoning demand in industries such as electronics, semiconductors, automotive, and medical devices. The region's economic growth, coupled with lower operating costs in countries like China and India, fuels market expansion. North America and Europe also witness significant growth, propelled by increasing demand for various types of flexible heaters.

Flexible Heater Market Key Players:

1. Nibe Industrier
2. Honeywell International
3. Omega Engineering
4. Watlow Electric Manufacturing
5. Smith’s Group
6. Chromalox
7. Rogers Corporation
8. Minco
9. Zoppas Industries
10. All Flex Flexible Circuits
11. Tempco Electric Heater
12. Thermocoax
13. Durex Industries
14. Holroyd Components
15. Hotset
16. Miyo Technology

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Key questions answered in the Flexible Heater Market report include:

  • What is the current size and growth trajectory of the Flexible Heater market?
  • What are the key factors driving the growth of the Flexible Heater market?
  • What are the major challenges faced by the Flexible Heater market and how are they being addressed?
  • What are the various types of Flexible Heater market available in the market and what are their respective market shares?
  • Which regions are witnessing the highest demand for Flexible Heater market and what are the factors contributing to this demand?
  • What are the key technological advancements shaping the future of Flexible Heater market?
  • What is the outlook for the Flexible Heater market in the coming years and what factors are likely to influence its growth trajectory?


About Maximize Market Research:

Maximize Market Research stands out as a beacon of expertise in the realm of business intelligence solutions. Boasting a dedicated team of seasoned professionals hailing from a myriad of industries such as medical devices, technology, and automotive, they offer a holistic approach to understanding market dynamics. Their suite of services is comprehensive, encompassing everything from in-depth market size and trend analysis to invaluable competitor insights and strategic guidance, all meticulously tailored to the specific needs of each industry. With Maximize Market Research at your side, you gain not just information, but a clear and actionable understanding of your competitive landscape, empowering you to make informed decisions poised for future success.

Contact Maximize Market Research:

    ⮝ 3rd Floor, Navale IT park Phase 2,
    Pune Banglore Highway, Narhe
    Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India.
    ✆ +91 9607365656
🖂 [email protected]

Volt/VAR Management Market Growth Factors, Future Investment, Trends, Segmentation, Regional Outlook, Future Plans and Forecast to 2029

Volt/VAR Management Market was valued US$ 536.86 Mn in 2021 and is expected to reach 861.51 Mn by 2029, at a CAGR of 6.09 % during a forecast period.

Anticipated Growth in Revenue:

The Volt/VAR Management market, valued at US$ 536.86 Mn in 2021, is projected to reach US$ 861.51 Mn by 2029, exhibiting a steady CAGR of 6.09% during the forecast period. This market encompasses technologies crucial for managing voltage and reactive power in electrical grids, with the primary aim of reducing line losses and enhancing grid efficiency. The increasing integration of renewable energy sources, coupled with the need for energy efficiency improvements, is propelling the global Volt/VAR Management market forward.

Volt/VAR Management Market Overview:

Voltage/VAR management technologies play a pivotal role in the power sector by ensuring the delivery of power within optimal voltage limits for the proper functioning of consumer equipment and minimizing losses. The market is witnessing growth driven by the integration of renewable power sources, advancements in energy efficiency measures, and the optimization of system voltages within distribution networks.

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Report Scope

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on market leaders, followers, and disruptors. The varying implementation of lockdown measures across regions has led to differential impacts on market revenues. Short-term and long-term implications of the pandemic on the market have been examined, offering valuable insights for decision-makers in formulating strategies.

Research Methodology

The research methodology employed in this report ensures accuracy and reliability in the assessment of market dynamics and projections. Through a combination of primary and secondary research, coupled with rigorous data analysis techniques, the report delivers a robust understanding of the global Volt/VAR Management market landscape.

Drivers and Restraints

The market is driven by factors such as the integration of renewable energy sources, improvements in energy efficiency, and the reduction of environmental impacts associated with energy delivery. However, the high initial costs associated with Volt/VAR management solutions pose a challenge to market growth, albeit opportunities lie in increased energy efficiency measures.


Based on end-users, the electric utility segment is anticipated to dominate the market by 2026. This dominance is attributed to growing investments in distributed power generation from renewable sources like solar and wind, coupled with the implementation of Volt/VAR management projects aimed at optimizing voltage and power.

by Component

• Hardware
• Software
• Services

by End User

• Electric Utility
• Industrial

by Application

• Distribution
• Transmission
• Generation

Regional Insights

North America leads the Volt/VAR Management market, followed by Europe. The region's focus on reducing power losses through investments in Volt/VAR management solutions is expected to drive market growth. Furthermore, initiatives aimed at enhancing grid efficiency and sustainability are likely to bolster market demand in these regions.

Volt/VAR Management Market Key Players:

• Eaton
• GE
• Schneider
• Siemens
• Landis+Gyr
• Open Systems International
• Utilidata
• Varentec
• Silver spring networks
• Beckwith electric co., Inc.
• Gridco systems
• S&c electric company

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Key questions answered in the Volt/VAR Management Market report include:

  • What is the current size and growth trajectory of the Volt/VAR Management market?
  • What are the key factors driving the growth of the Volt/VAR Management market?
  • What are the major challenges faced by the Volt/VAR Management market and how are they being addressed?
  • What are the various types of Volt/VAR Management market available in the market and what are their respective market shares?
  • Which regions are witnessing the highest demand for Volt/VAR Management market and what are the factors contributing to this demand?
  • What are the key technological advancements shaping the future of Volt/VAR Management market?
  • What is the outlook for the Volt/VAR Management market in the coming years and what factors are likely to influence its growth trajectory?


About Maximize Market Research:

Maximize Market Research stands out as a beacon of expertise in the realm of business intelligence solutions. Boasting a dedicated team of seasoned professionals hailing from a myriad of industries such as medical devices, technology, and automotive, they offer a holistic approach to understanding market dynamics. Their suite of services is comprehensive, encompassing everything from in-depth market size and trend analysis to invaluable competitor insights and strategic guidance, all meticulously tailored to the specific needs of each industry. With Maximize Market Research at your side, you gain not just information, but a clear and actionable understanding of your competitive landscape, empowering you to make informed decisions poised for future success.

Contact Maximize Market Research:

    ⮝ 3rd Floor, Navale IT park Phase 2,
    Pune Banglore Highway, Narhe
    Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India.
    ✆ +91 9607365656
🖂 [email protected]


Solar Control Window Film Market Overview, Key Players Analysis, Emerging Opportunities 2029

The Solar Control Window Film market is expected to reach nearly US$ 1145.01 million by 2029, growing at a 6.1% CAGR during the forecast period.

Anticipated Growth in Revenue:

The Solar Control Window Films market is poised for significant growth, with a projected value of nearly US$ 1145.01 million by 2029, reflecting a robust CAGR of 6.1% during the forecast period. Solar Control Window Films offer a versatile solution for enhancing the aesthetics and sustainability of buildings while concurrently reducing cooling costs and environmental impact. These films act as a protective shield against harmful UV rays, making them indispensable for various sectors including corporate offices, public buildings, transportation infrastructure, and healthcare facilities.

Solar Control Window Film Market Overview:

The Global Solar Control Window Films Market is segmented based on film type, absorber type, and application. Metallic window films, characterized by metallized, dyed polyester films, dominate the absorber type segment, commanding a significant market share. Clear films, particularly reflective clear films, hold sway in the film type segment, offering advantages such as high reflectivity and consistent coating. The automotive segment emerges as the dominant application segment, driven by the films' ability to reduce solar heat and UV rays in vehicles.

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Report Scope

The comprehensive report on the Global Solar Control Window Films Market provides an in-depth analysis of market dynamics, classifications, and past trends from 2022 to 2029. The market is segmented by film type, absorber type, application, and region, offering valuable insights to stakeholders for strategic decision-making. Nineteen key players from diverse regions are profiled in the report, with a focus on understanding their contributions, manufacturing environments, and regional impacts on costs and supply chains.

Research Methodology

The research methodology employed in this report ensures accuracy and reliability, incorporating both primary and secondary research sources. Past market dynamics are rigorously analyzed, enabling readers to benchmark historical trends against current market scenarios. Additionally, the report evaluates the manufacturing environment, supply chain dynamics, availability of raw materials, labor costs, and technological advancements, providing recommendations for future hotspots, particularly in the APAC region.


Increasing awareness regarding the adverse effects of UV light drives the growth of the Global Solar Control Window Films Market. These films, equipped with multi-layered optical filters, effectively reduce heat buildup and glare, thereby lowering cooling costs and carbon footprint. Moreover, they enhance safety by improving glass durability and resistance to breakage, further stimulating market expansion.


Despite the market's promising growth trajectory, the availability of alternative technologies, such as smart glasses, poses a potential challenge. These alternatives, leveraging more advanced features, may hinder the adoption of solar control window films, thus restraining market growth to some extent.


The Global Solar Control Window Films Market is segmented based on film type, absorber type, and application. Metallic window films, characterized by metallized, dyed polyester films, dominate the absorber type segment, commanding a significant market share. Clear films, particularly reflective clear films, hold sway in the film type segment, offering advantages such as high reflectivity and consistent coating. The automotive segment emerges as the dominant application segment, driven by the films' ability to reduce solar heat and UV rays in vehicles.

by film type

Clear (Non-Reflective)
Dyed (Non-Reflective)
Vacuum Coated (Reflective)

by absorber type


by Application


Regional Insights

Asia-Pacific (APAC) is poised to capture the largest market share by 2029, driven by government initiatives promoting renewable energy sources and capital subsidies in countries like India and China. The region's burgeoning population and rising incomes fuel the demand for residential and commercial construction, thereby augmenting the growth of the Global Solar Control Window Films Market.

Solar Control Window Film Market Key Players:

1. 3M
2. The Window Film Company
3. Eastman Chemical Company
4. Garware Suncontrol
6. Purlfrost Ltd.
7. Saint-Gobain
8. Sun Control
9. Madico Inc.
10. Polytronix Inc.
12. Solyx Films SA Pty Ltd.
13. Pleotint LLC
14. Johnson Window Films
15. Lumar Window Films

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Key questions answered in the Solar Control Window Film Market report include:

  • What is the current size and growth trajectory of the Solar Control Window Film market?
  • What are the key factors driving the growth of the Solar Control Window Film market?
  • What are the major challenges faced by the Solar Control Window Film market and how are they being addressed?
  • What are the various types of Solar Control Window Film market available in the market and what are their respective market shares?
  • Which regions are witnessing the highest demand for Solar Control Window Film market and what are the factors contributing to this demand?
  • What are the key technological advancements shaping the future of Solar Control Window Film market?
  • What is the outlook for the Solar Control Window Film market in the coming years and what factors are likely to influence its growth trajectory?


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Nhận định Xoilac TV Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg, 22h30 hôm nay 12/05

(Nhận định, dự đoán Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg, 22h30 hôm nay 12/05) – Sau chuỗi 3 trận không thắng, Bayern Munich sẽ có cuộc tiếp đón Wolfsburg tại vòng 33 Bundesliga 2023/24.

Nhận định, dự đoán Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg

Thời gian: 12/05/2024 | Vòng 33 – Bundesliga | Xoilac TV Ket Qua Bong Da

Tỉ lệ châu Á

  • Toàn trận0:1.5

Tỉ lệ số bàn thắng

  • Hiệp 11.5
  • Toàn trận3.5

Tỉ lệ phạt góc

  • Hiệp 1: 4.5
  • Toàn trận: 10

Dự đoán kết quả Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg

Wolfsburg vừa trải qua 3 trận thắng liên tiếp tại Bundesliga. Tuy nhiên nhiều khả năng chuỗi trận thắng của thầy trò Ralph Hasenhüttl sẽ phải dừng lại khi họ làm khách trên sân của Bayern Munich. Hầu hết các chuyên trang thể thao hàng đầu đều đưa ra dự đoán về việc Hùm Xám sẽ bỏ túi 3 điểm trọn vẹn.

Bayern chắc chắn không có danh hiệu ở mùa giải năm nay. Cơ hội cuối cùng của họ ở Champions League vừa chính thức khép lại. Thầy trò Thomas Tuchel đã chơi không tồi ở trận lượt về bán kết Cúp C1 châu Âu trên sân của Real Madrid, họ thậm chí có bàn thắng dẫn trước. Tuy nhiên, cú đúp chỉ trong 3 phút, từ phút 88 đến phút 90+1 của Joselu đã giúp đội chủ nhà ngược dòng giành chiến thắng 2-1.

Như vậy là Bayern đã nhường vé vào chơi trận chung kết cho đối thủ với tổng tỷ số 3-4 sau hai lượt trận, họ đã không thể gặp đội bóng đồng hương Dortmund trong trận chung kết tại Wembley. Trước đó Hùm xám bị Leverkusen biến thành cựu vô địch ở Bundesliga, họ thậm chí nhìn thầy trò Xabi Alonso đăng quang trước 5 vòng đấu. Trước đó nữa, Bayern để đội bóng hạng 3, Saarbruecken đánh bại với tỷ số 2-1 ở cúp QG Đức.

Tỉ lệ chiến thắng Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg

Theo phân tích của chuyên trang bóng đá Sports Mole về tất cả dữ liệu có sẵn, bao gồm màn trình diễn gần đây và số liệu thống kê về cầu thủ, cho thấy kết quả rất có thể xảy ra của trận đấu này là Bayern Munich thắng với xác suất 71,94% . Xác suất hòa là 15,7% và xác suất thắng cho Wolfsburg là 12,34%. 

Tỷ số khả dĩ nhất để Bayern Munich thắng là 2-1 với xác suất 9,09%. Tỷ số có khả năng xảy ra tiếp theo cho kết quả đó là 2-0 (8,76%) và 3-1 (8,07%). Tỷ số hòa có khả năng xảy ra cao nhất là 1-1 (6,82%), trong khi đối với Wolfsburg thắng là 1-2 (3,54%).

Dự đoán tỉ số Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg

Dựa vào những nhận định bóng đá như trên, chúng tôi và các chuyên trang bóng đá hàng đầu thế giới đã đưa ra những kết quả về trận đấu giữa Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg:

  • Sportsmole: Bayern Munich 2-1 Wolfsburg
  • Whoscored: Bayern Munich 3-1 Wolfsburg
  • Chúng tôi dự đoán: Bayern Munich 3-1 Wolfsburg

Thông tin đáng chú ý Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg

  • Bảy trong số tám trận gần nhất giữa Bayern Munich và Wolfsburg có trên 2,5 bàn thắng.
  • Harry Kane đã ghi 8 bàn trong 6 trận sân nhà gần nhất của Bayern Munich.
  • Wolfsburg chưa từng đánh bại Bayern Munich ở Bundesliga kể từ tháng 1 năm 2015.
  • Bayern Munich hiện đứng thứ 2 trên BXH Bundesliga với 69 điểm, Wolfsburg có 37 điểm và đứng thứ 12.

Thông tin lực lượng Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg

  • Bayern Munich: Boey, Buchmann, Coman, Guerreiro, Marusic, Sarr chấn thương.
  • Wolfsburg: Nmecha, Svanberg chấn thương.Vranckx chưa chắc chắn thi đấu.

Đội hình dự kiến Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg

  • Bayern Munich: Neuer; Kimmich, De Ligt, Dier, Davies; Pavlovic, Goretzka; Muller, Musiala, Sane; Kane
  • Wolfsburg: Casteels; Fischer, Lacroix, Bornauw, Maehle; Gerhardt, Arnold; Baku, Majer, Wimmer; Wind

Lịch sử đối đầu Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg

17/12/2021 Bayern Munchen 4-0 Wolfsburg
14/05/2022 Wolfsburg 2-2 Bayern Munchen
14/08/2022 Bayern Munchen 2-0 Wolfsburg
05/02/2023 Wolfsburg 2-4 Bayern Munchen
20/12/2023 Wolfsburg 1-2 Bayern Munchen

Phong độ Bayern Munich gần đây

08/05/2024 Real Madrid 2-1 Bayern Munchen
04/05/2024 Stuttgart 3-1 Bayern Munchen
30/04/2024 Bayern Munchen 2-2 Real Madrid
27/04/2024 Bayern Munchen 2-1 Frankfurt
20/04/2024 Union Berlin 1-5 Bayern Munchen

Phong độ Wolfsburg gần đây

04/05/2024 Wolfsburg 3-0 Darmstadt
27/04/2024 Freiburg 1-2 Wolfsburg
20/04/2024 Wolfsburg 1-0 Bochum
13/04/2024 Leipzig 3-0 Wolfsburg
07/04/2024 Wolfsburg 1-3 Gladbach

Nhận định bóng đá Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg

Trong bối cảnh hiện tại, Wolfsburg đã an toàn với một thứ hạng ở khu vực giữa bảng Bundesliga và không còn phải lo lắng về cuộc chiến trụ hạng. Về phía Bayern Munich, họ cần một thắng lợi để đòi lại vị trí thứ 2 từ tay của Stuttgart. Không chỉ nắm trong tay nhiều lợi thế, Bayern Munich còn có nhiều động lực thi đấu hơn so với đối thủ. Chính vì vậy, nhiều chuyên gia tin rằng thầy trò HLV Tuchel sẽ có một chiến thắng với tỷ số cách biệt.

Is my code correct. why I cant add more functions to it?

import os
import traceback
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import talib
import datetime
import numpy as np
import warnings
import ccxt
import polars as pl
import sys

pd.set_option('display.float_format', '{:.5f}'.format)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
Exchange = ccxt.binance()
Amount = 3
Leverage = 20
Fees = 0.16
ShortSaveThreshold = 2000
ALLTimeThreshHold = 0
back_date = '2020-12-01'
InfinityTimestamp = pd.to_datetime('2025-01-01')

ListOFDates = []
while True:
    TotalProfit = []
    AvailableCoins = []
    OverALLYearProfit = []
    TotalCoinsList = []
    TotalDollarsList = []
    TotalResultList = []
    TotalBuyTimestamp = []
    TotalHitTimestamp = []
    TotalBuyAmountList = []
    TotalTradeIdList = []
    TradeTimestampList = []
    TotalTradeNameList = []
    AllCoinsDataFrameList = []
    LiquidationTimestamps = []
    TotalLiquidateTimestamp = []
    if ListOFDates:
        start_date = str(ListOFDates[-1])
        start_date = '2022-01-12 06:45:00'
    end_date = str(pd.to_datetime(start_date)+datetime.timedelta(days=5))
    def Saver(Coin,TimeFrame):
            folder_path = f'E:\\BinanceData\\monthlyfutures\\{Coin}\\{TimeFrame}\\'
            merged_data = pd.DataFrame()
            for file in os.listdir(folder_path):
                if file.endswith('.csv'):
                        if Coin in file:
                            CurrentDate = pd.to_datetime(f'{file.split("-")[2]}-{file.split("-")[3].replace(".csv", "")}-01')
                            if CurrentDate >= pd.to_datetime(back_date) and CurrentDate <= pd.to_datetime(end_date):
                                file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file)
                                df = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=None)
                                if df.iloc[0].apply(lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, float))).all():
                                    header_row = None
                                    header_row = 0
                                df = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=header_row)
                                df.columns = ['open_time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'close_time',
                                              'count', 'taker_buy_volume', 'taker_buy_quote_volume', 'ignore']
                                df['Timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['open_time'], unit='ms')
                                df = df.drop(columns=['open_time', 'close_time', 'quote_volume', 'count', 'taker_buy_volume',
                                                      'taker_buy_quote_volume', 'ignore'])
                                merged_data = merged_data.append(df, ignore_index=True)
                    except ValueError:
            def stochastic(data, k_window, d_window, window):
                min_val = data.rolling(window=window, center=False).min()
                max_val = data.rolling(window=window, center=False).max()
                stoch = ((data - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)) * 100
                K = stoch.rolling(window=k_window, center=False).mean()
                D = K.rolling(window=d_window, center=False).mean()
                return K, D
            def Arranger(List):
                LastAvailableTimestamp = pd.to_datetime('1989-01-01')
                List = List[::-1]
                for i in List:
                    if i != 0:
                        LastAvailableTimestamp = i
                return pd.to_datetime(LastAvailableTimestamp)
            def TPSLCalculatorLong(Data):
                BuyTimestampList = []
                HitTimestampList = []
                ResultList = []
                DollarsList = []
                TradeNameList = []
                for Timestamp,CurrentPrice in zip(Data['Timestamp'],Data['open']):
                    if Arranger(HitTimestampList) < pd.to_datetime(Timestamp):
                        FutureData = merged_data[merged_data['Timestamp'] >= Timestamp]
                        DipData = FutureData[(FutureData['DipL'] == True) | (FutureData['Timestamp'] == Timestamp)]
                        DipData['BuyPrice'] = DipData['open']
                        TimestampsTrue = []
                        BuyPricePrevious = 0
                        for BuyPrice, TimestampToTake in zip(DipData['BuyPrice'], DipData['Timestamp']):
                            if BuyPricePrevious == 0:
                                BuyPricePrevious = BuyPrice
                                if BuyPricePrevious > BuyPrice:
                                    BuyPricePrevious = BuyPrice
                        DipData = DipData[DipData['Timestamp'].isin(TimestampsTrue)]
                        previous_elements = []
                        for index, row in DipData.iterrows():
                            previous_elements_list = DipData.loc[:index, 'BuyPrice'].tolist()
                        DipData['All_BuyPrices'] = previous_elements
                        DipTimestamps = list(DipData['Timestamp'])
                        NextDipTimestamps = list(DipData['Timestamp'].shift(-1))
                return ResultList,DollarsList,BuyTimestampList,HitTimestampList,TradeNameList
            YearList = []
            for Timestamp in merged_data['Timestamp']:
            merged_data['EMA3'] = talib.EMA(merged_data['close'],10)
            merged_data['EMA6'] = talib.EMA(merged_data['close'],20)
            merged_data['Year'] = YearList
            merged_data['CrossOverLong'] = (merged_data['Year'] == 2022)&(merged_data['EMA3'].shift(1) > merged_data['EMA6'].shift(1))&(merged_data['EMA3'].shift(2) < merged_data['EMA6'].shift(2))
            merged_data['CrossOverShort'] = (merged_data['Year'] == 2022)&(merged_data['EMA3'].shift(1) < merged_data['EMA6'].shift(1))&(merged_data['EMA3'].shift(2) > merged_data['EMA6'].shift(2))
            merged_data['DipL'] = (merged_data['close'].shift(1) > merged_data['high'].shift(2))
            merged_data['DipH'] = (merged_data['close'].shift(1) < merged_data['low'].shift(2))
            YearList = []
            for Timestamp in merged_data['Timestamp']:
            merged_data['Year'] = YearList
            merged_data = merged_data[["Timestamp"] + [col for col in merged_data.columns if col != "Timestamp"]]
            merged_data['Coin'] = Coin
            CrossOverDataLong = merged_data[(merged_data['CrossOverLong'] == True)&(merged_data['Timestamp'] >= pd.to_datetime(start_date))&(merged_data['Timestamp'] <= pd.to_datetime(end_date))]
            CrossOverDataLong['PreviousTimestamp'] = CrossOverDataLong['Timestamp'].shift(1)
            CrossOverDataLong['Result'],CrossOverDataLong['Dollars'],CrossOverDataLong['BuyTimestamps'],CrossOverDataLong['HitTimestamp'],CrossOverDataLong['TradeName'] = TPSLCalculatorLong(CrossOverDataLong)

            CrossOverDataShort = merged_data[(merged_data['CrossOverLong'] == True) & (merged_data['Timestamp'] >= pd.to_datetime(start_date)) & (merged_data['Timestamp'] <= pd.to_datetime(end_date))]
            CrossOverDataShort['PreviousTimestamp'] = CrossOverDataShort['Timestamp'].shift(1)
            CrossOverDataShort['Result'], CrossOverDataShort['Dollars'], CrossOverDataShort['BuyTimestamps'], CrossOverDataShort['HitTimestamp'], CrossOverDataShort['TradeName'] = TPSLCalculatorShort(CrossOverDataShort)

            CompleteData = pd.concat([CrossOverDataLong,CrossOverDataShort])
            CrossOverDataLong = CompleteData
            CrossOverDataLong['MaxBuy'] = 1
            CrossOverDataLong = CrossOverDataLong[CrossOverDataLong['Result'] != 'Neutral']
            LongTPS = CrossOverDataLong[CrossOverDataLong['Dollars'] >= 0]
            LongSLS = CrossOverDataLong[CrossOverDataLong['Dollars'] <= 0]
            Pct = []
            for BuyTimestamps in CrossOverDataLong['BuyTimestamps']:
                    FirstBuyTimestamp = BuyTimestamps[0]
                    LastBuyTimestamp = BuyTimestamps[-1]
                    FirstBuyPrice = merged_data[merged_data['Timestamp'] == FirstBuyTimestamp].iloc[-1]['open']
                    LastBuyPrice = merged_data[merged_data['Timestamp'] == LastBuyTimestamp].iloc[-1]['open']
                    MaxPct = abs(((LastBuyPrice - FirstBuyPrice) * 100) / FirstBuyPrice)
                except Exception as e:
            CrossOverDataLong['MaxPct'] = Pct
            print(f"Profit || Long:{sum(CrossOverDataLong['Dollars'])} || Coin:{Coin},TotalTP:{len(LongTPS)},TotalSL:{len(LongSLS)},MaxBuys:{max(CrossOverDataLong['MaxBuy'])},MaxPct:{max(CrossOverDataLong['MaxPct'])}")
            for Result, Dollars, BuyTimestamps, HitTimestamp,Timestamp,TradeName in zip(CrossOverDataLong['Result'], CrossOverDataLong['Dollars'],CrossOverDataLong['BuyTimestamps'], CrossOverDataLong['HitTimestamp'],CrossOverDataLong['Timestamp'],CrossOverDataLong['TradeName']):
                if TradeName == 'Long':
                    TotalTradeIdList.append(f'1 Entry')
                elif TradeName == 'Short':
                    TotalTradeIdList.append(f'1 Entry')
        except Exception as e:
    with open("Future_ALL_Coins.txt", "r") as r:
        Lines = ['1INCHUSDT']
        ThreadList = []
        for Coin in Lines:
            Coin = Coin.replace('\n', '')
    TotalDataFrame = pd.DataFrame({
    TotalDataFrame['HitTimestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(TotalDataFrame['HitTimestamp'])
    TotalDataFrame['BuyTimestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(TotalDataFrame['BuyTimestamp'])

    AllCoinsDataFrame = pd.concat(AllCoinsDataFrameList)
    AmountLong = 3
    AmountShort = 3
    Leverage = 20
    InfinityTimestamp = '2025-01-01'
    def unrealized_pnl(buy_timestamps,BuyAmountDollars, current_timestamps, coins, all_coins_dataframe, trade_types):
            all_coins_dataframe = all_coins_dataframe.to_pandas()
            all_coins_dataframe_reset = all_coins_dataframe.reset_index()
            DataCheck = all_coins_dataframe_reset.merge(pd.DataFrame({'Timestamp': buy_timestamps, 'Coin': coins, 'TradeName': trade_types}),on=['Timestamp', 'Coin'])
            indexes_dropped = DataCheck.index
            DataCheck = DataCheck.drop_duplicates()
            indexes_dropped = indexes_dropped.difference(DataCheck.index)
            DataCheckCurrent = all_coins_dataframe_reset.merge(pd.DataFrame({'Timestamp': current_timestamps, 'Coin': coins, 'TradeName': trade_types}),on=['Timestamp', 'Coin'])
            DataCheckCurrent = DataCheckCurrent.drop(indexes_dropped)
            ListNoCandleCoins = list(set(list(DataCheck['Coin'])) - set(list(DataCheckCurrent['Coin'])))
            DataCheck = DataCheck[~DataCheck['Coin'].isin(ListNoCandleCoins)]
            buy_prices = list(DataCheck['open'])
            buy_prices = np.array(buy_prices)

            Trade_types = list(DataCheck['TradeName'])
            Trade_types = np.array(Trade_types)
            Lowcurrent_prices = list(DataCheckCurrent['low'])
            Lowcurrent_prices = np.array(Lowcurrent_prices)
            Highcurrent_prices = list(DataCheckCurrent['high'])
            Highcurrent_prices = np.array(Highcurrent_prices)

            pctLow = np.abs((Lowcurrent_prices - buy_prices) * 100 / buy_prices)
            pctHigh = np.abs((Highcurrent_prices - buy_prices) * 100 / buy_prices)

            trade_amountLong = AmountLong * Leverage
            trade_amountShort = AmountShort * Leverage

            total_dollars = np.array(np.zeros(len(buy_timestamps)))
            Profit_long_condition = np.where(((Trade_types == 'Long')|(Trade_types == 'LongDouble')) & (Lowcurrent_prices > buy_prices))
            loss_long_condition = np.where(((Trade_types == 'Long')|(Trade_types == 'LongDouble')) & (Lowcurrent_prices <= buy_prices))

            Profit_short_condition = np.where(((Trade_types == 'Short')|(Trade_types == 'ShortDouble')) & (Highcurrent_prices < buy_prices))
            loss_short_condition = np.where(((Trade_types == 'Short')|(Trade_types == 'ShortDouble')) & (Highcurrent_prices >= buy_prices))

            total_dollars[Profit_long_condition] = trade_amountLong
            total_dollars[Profit_long_condition] += total_dollars[Profit_long_condition] * pctLow[Profit_long_condition] / 100
            total_dollars[Profit_long_condition] = total_dollars[Profit_long_condition] - trade_amountLong

            total_dollars[Profit_short_condition] = trade_amountShort
            total_dollars[Profit_short_condition] += total_dollars[Profit_short_condition] * pctHigh[Profit_short_condition] / 100
            total_dollars[Profit_short_condition] = total_dollars[Profit_short_condition] - trade_amountShort

            total_dollars[loss_long_condition] = trade_amountLong
            total_dollars[loss_long_condition] -= total_dollars[loss_long_condition] * pctLow[loss_long_condition] / 100
            total_dollars[loss_long_condition] = total_dollars[loss_long_condition] - trade_amountLong

            total_dollars[loss_short_condition] = trade_amountShort
            total_dollars[loss_short_condition] -= total_dollars[loss_short_condition] * pctHigh[loss_short_condition] / 100
            total_dollars[loss_short_condition] = total_dollars[loss_short_condition] - trade_amountShort

            ####################################################### CLOSE #######################################################

            Closecurrent_prices = list(DataCheckCurrent['close'])
            Closecurrent_prices = np.array(Closecurrent_prices)

            pctClose = np.abs((Closecurrent_prices - buy_prices) * 100 / buy_prices)

            total_dollarsClose = np.array(np.zeros(len(buy_timestamps)))
            Profit_long_condition = np.where(((Trade_types == 'Long')|(Trade_types == 'LongDouble')) & (Closecurrent_prices > buy_prices))
            loss_long_condition = np.where(((Trade_types == 'Long')|(Trade_types == 'LongDouble')) & (Closecurrent_prices <= buy_prices))

            Profit_short_condition = np.where(((Trade_types == 'Short')|(Trade_types == 'ShortDouble')) & (Closecurrent_prices < buy_prices))
            loss_short_condition = np.where(((Trade_types == 'Short')|(Trade_types == 'ShortDouble')) & (Closecurrent_prices >= buy_prices))

            total_dollarsClose[Profit_long_condition] = trade_amountLong
            total_dollarsClose[Profit_long_condition] += total_dollarsClose[Profit_long_condition] * pctClose[Profit_long_condition] / 100
            total_dollarsClose[Profit_long_condition] = total_dollarsClose[Profit_long_condition] - trade_amountLong

            total_dollarsClose[Profit_short_condition] =  trade_amountShort
            total_dollarsClose[Profit_short_condition] += total_dollarsClose[Profit_short_condition] * pctClose[Profit_short_condition] / 100
            total_dollarsClose[Profit_short_condition] = total_dollarsClose[Profit_short_condition] - trade_amountShort

            total_dollarsClose[loss_long_condition] = trade_amountLong
            total_dollarsClose[loss_long_condition] -= total_dollarsClose[loss_long_condition] * pctClose[loss_long_condition] / 100
            total_dollarsClose[loss_long_condition] = total_dollarsClose[loss_long_condition] - trade_amountLong

            total_dollarsClose[loss_short_condition] = trade_amountShort
            total_dollarsClose[loss_short_condition] -= total_dollarsClose[loss_short_condition] * pctClose[loss_short_condition] / 100
            total_dollarsClose[loss_short_condition] = total_dollarsClose[loss_short_condition] - trade_amountShort

        except Exception as e:
            return np.zeros(len(buy_timestamps)), np.zeros(len(buy_timestamps))
        return total_dollars, total_dollarsClose
    def process_intervals(interval_chunk, TotalDataFrame, AllCoinsDataFrame):
        portfoilio = []
        UnrealizedMax = []
        MaxTotalDollars = []
        total_dollars = 3000
        HittedSymbols = []
        SymbolListFirst = []
        for candle_time in interval_chunk:
            buy_data = TotalDataFrame.filter(TotalDataFrame['BuyTimestamp'] == pd.to_datetime(candle_time))
            buy_data = buy_data.to_pandas()
            buy_data = buy_data[~(buy_data['Symbol'].isin(HittedSymbols))]
            hit_data = TotalDataFrame.filter(TotalDataFrame['HitTimestamp'] == pd.to_datetime(candle_time))
            not_hit_data = TotalDataFrame.filter((TotalDataFrame['BuyTimestamp'] <= pd.to_datetime(candle_time)) & (TotalDataFrame['HitTimestamp'] > pd.to_datetime(candle_time)) & (TotalDataFrame['HitTimestamp'] != pd.to_datetime(candle_time)))
            not_hit_data = not_hit_data.to_pandas()
            not_hit_data = not_hit_data[~not_hit_data['Symbol'].isin(HittedSymbols)]
            hit_data = hit_data.to_pandas()
            if not SymbolListFirst:
                for Symbol in buy_data['Symbol']:
                buy_data = buy_data[buy_data['Symbol'].isin(SymbolListFirst)]
                hit_data = hit_data[hit_data['Symbol'].isin(SymbolListFirst)]
                not_hit_data = not_hit_data[not_hit_data['Symbol'].isin(SymbolListFirst)]
            not_hit_data['candle_time'] = candle_time
            not_hit_data['Fees'] = (not_hit_data['TotalBuyAmount']*Leverage)
            not_hit_data['Fees'] -= not_hit_data['Fees'] * 0.16 / 100
            not_hit_data['Fees'] = not_hit_data['Fees'] - (not_hit_data['TotalBuyAmount']*Leverage)
            not_hit_data = not_hit_data.sort_values(by='Symbol')
            HitList = []
            ChunkList = []
            if not not_hit_data.empty:
                not_hit_data['UnrealizedPnlHL'], not_hit_data['UnrealizedPnlClose'] = unrealized_pnl(not_hit_data['BuyTimestamp'],not_hit_data['TotalBuyAmount'], not_hit_data['candle_time'], not_hit_data['Symbol'],AllCoinsDataFrame, not_hit_data['TradeName'])
                not_hit_data['UnrealizedPnlHL'] = not_hit_data['Fees']+not_hit_data['UnrealizedPnlHL']
                not_hit_data['UnrealizedPnlClose'] = not_hit_data['Fees']+not_hit_data['UnrealizedPnlClose']
                not_hit_dataChunks = [group for _, group in not_hit_data.groupby('Symbol')]
                for chunk in not_hit_dataChunks:
                    if sum(chunk['UnrealizedPnlClose']) > 0.02:
                        if chunk.iloc[-1]['Symbol'] in SymbolListFirst:
                not_hit_data = not_hit_data[~not_hit_data['Symbol'].isin(HitList)]
                total_unrealized_pnl = sum(not_hit_data['UnrealizedPnlHL'])
                total_unrealized_pnlClose = sum(not_hit_data['UnrealizedPnlClose'])
                total_unrealized_pnl = 0
                total_unrealized_pnlClose = 0
            for chunk in ChunkList:
                chunk['Dollars'] = chunk['UnrealizedPnlClose']
                chunk['HitTimestamp'] = candle_time
                hit_data = pd.concat([hit_data, chunk[['', 'Symbol', 'Result', 'Dollars', 'BuyTimestamp', 'HitTimestamp', 'TotalBuyAmount', 'Timestamp','TradeName']]], axis=0)
                for BuyTimestamp in chunk['BuyTimestamp']:
                    TotalDataFrame = TotalDataFrame.with_columns((pl.when((pl.col('Symbol') == chunk.iloc[-1]['Symbol'])&(pl.col('BuyTimestamp') == BuyTimestamp)).then(pl.lit(candle_time)).otherwise(pl.col('HitTimestamp'))).alias('HitTimestamp'))
            total_dollars = total_dollars - sum(buy_data['TotalBuyAmount'])
            TotalDollarsHit = 0
            Profit = 0
            for Dollar, TotalBuyAmount in zip(hit_data['Dollars'], hit_data['TotalBuyAmount']):
                Profit += Dollar
                TotalDollarsHit += TotalBuyAmount
            total_dollars = total_dollars + TotalDollarsHit
            total_dollars = total_dollars + Profit
            WalletOverviewHL = total_dollars + sum(not_hit_data['TotalBuyAmount']) + total_unrealized_pnl
            WalletOverviewClose = total_dollars + sum(not_hit_data['TotalBuyAmount']) + total_unrealized_pnlClose
            if total_unrealized_pnl > 0:
                AvailableBalance = total_dollars
                AvailableBalanceClose = total_dollars
                AvailableBalance = total_dollars + total_unrealized_pnl
                AvailableBalanceClose = total_dollars + total_unrealized_pnlClose
            print(f" (High-Low) || Timestamp:{candle_time},WalletOverview:{WalletOverviewHL},AvailableBalance:{AvailableBalance},UPNL:{total_unrealized_pnl},InTradeDollars:{sum(not_hit_data['TotalBuyAmount'])}")
            print(f" (Close) || (Timestamp):{candle_time},(WalletOverview):({WalletOverviewClose}),(AvailableBalance):({AvailableBalanceClose}),(UPNL):({total_unrealized_pnlClose}),(InTradeDollars):({sum(not_hit_data['TotalBuyAmount'])})")
            if WalletOverviewClose > 3000:
                print(f'CloseTime = {candle_time} || Profit = {WalletOverviewClose-3000} || MinPortfolio = {min(portfoilio)} || UnrealizedPnlMax = {min(UnrealizedMax)} || Duration:{candle_time-pd.to_datetime(start_date)}')
                restorePoint = sys.stdout
                sys.stdout = sys.stdout
                sys.stdout = open("LongShort(AccountDouble).txt", "a")
                print(f'CloseTime = {candle_time} || Profit = {WalletOverviewClose-3000} || MinPortfolio = {min(portfoilio)} || UnrealizedPnlMax = {min(UnrealizedMax)} Duration:{candle_time-pd.to_datetime(start_date)}')
                sys.stdout = restorePoint
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        TotalDataFrame = pl.read_csv("E:\\LongShort(AccountDouble)(TD).csv", try_parse_dates=True)
        AllCoinsDataFrame = pl.read_csv("E:\\LongShort(AccountDouble)(ACD).csv", try_parse_dates=True)
        AllCoinsDataFrame =
        TotalDataFrame = TotalDataFrame.sort('BuyTimestamp')
        TotalDataFrame = TotalDataFrame.drop('index')
        four_hour_intervals = pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=str(pd.to_datetime(start_date)+datetime.timedelta(days=500)), freq='5T')
        process_intervals(four_hour_intervals, TotalDataFrame, AllCoinsDataFrame)

I Want to exit the coin when it is in profit of 0.02 dollars....

But iam trying from since 1day as iam a beginner in python i dont know how to write the code well.

Please guide me how to do this.

Acutually i am calculating the unrealized pnl of my strategy.

Is my code too complicated? have i wrote the correct code.

Or i have to more improve my coding python

Can I check the message position in a buffered channel?

Let's say I dispatch works to workers via channels, and the dispatcher needs to keep notifying the sender how many jobs are scheduled before job X at each time. Is it possible to know the message position (e.g. by examining an ID) with buffered channels or does this require another type of queue?

Adding ListViewItem from text changed event in Kotlin

If user types in ListViewItem text: "Add new item". I want to add a new item. My DataSet and Adapter below: sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssss

class DataModel internal constructor(
    var checked: Boolean,
    var itemDesc: String?

class CustomAdapter(private val dataSet: ArrayList<*>, mContext: Context) :
    ArrayAdapter<Any?>(mContext, R.layout.layout2, dataSet)
    private class ViewHolder {
        lateinit var checkBox: CheckBox
        lateinit var textInput: TextView

    override fun getCount(): Int {
        return dataSet.size

    override fun getItem(position: Int): DataModel {
        return dataSet[position] as DataModel

    override fun getView(
        position: Int,
        convertView: View?,
        parent: ViewGroup
    ): View
        var convertView = convertView
        val viewHolder: ViewHolder
        val result: View

        if (convertView == null) {
            viewHolder = ViewHolder()

            convertView =
                LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.layout2, parent, false)
            viewHolder.checkBox =
            viewHolder.textInput =

            result = convertView
            convertView.tag = viewHolder
        } else
            viewHolder = convertView.tag as ViewHolder
            result = convertView

How to do such task? sssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssss

Supported models


The wiki tells me, these models are supported:

  • SM-G975F
  • SM-G975F/DS
  • SM-G975N
My question is quite simple: what about letters after the "F", are they relevant when checking the compatibility? For example: what about model "SM-G975FZKDDBT"? Is this included in the first variant in the list?

Using in Django exactly same python database code already working in PHP

I have a bunch of files containing python functions, used in a web-serving apache2, they are all called from PHP as shell scripts just with "python3 'file' 'args'" (without the -m, that is) and return data to PHP via JSON strings, are all debugged since a long time, and work well.

They are all in a single directory, and most of them import other files simply using

   from file_with_lower_level_functions import gimme_this_table

many imported functions in turn import other ones, and some import chains may be 4 or 5 links long.

Trying to import this into Django is nightmarish. All of my "froms" are replied to by " check" with "module not found". I did obtain partial success by changing the top level froms above to

   from .file_with_lower_level_function import gimme_this_table 

adding the leading dot. But first, changing the "from"s like that in every single module would make them unworkable in the old situation, and I do not want to do this change.

And, next, this gives problems with 2nd links, when one of my functions imports another one: applying the same cure to the 2nd like doesn't work: "Huh uh! module not found"

Is this kind of approach even possible with Django? Is there a common form which would give me a code usable in BOTH django and PHP?

I thought of playing to Django the same trick I did to PHP, that, is calling my code as a shell script, and that would probably work; but since Django is already python, that does not appeal much to me: I would sweat a job and learn nothing.

I tried calling from django views my old functions, and I was expecting that to work without (many) problems.

jFrog Artifactory OSS and SBT

I have recently installed later version of jFrog's community edition artifactory (7.77.12).

Majority of my commits will be via IntelliJ using SBT. What I have noticed is that if if I publish to repository sbt-release-local then when I go and view the artifact on Artifactory I do see the published jar, pom etc but the dependency declaration section is empty. If I publish to libs-release-local then I the dependency declaration section shows how to setup for Gradle, Maven, SBT etc.

While not a bust to publish to libs-release-local I am curious as to why it is not working.

Below are the two publishTo's

publishTo := Some("Artifactory Realm" at "")


publishTo := Some("Artifactory Realm" at "")

Much appreciated.

Brand new Note 7: "Your request has been declined for security reasons"

Okay. I have a brand-spanking-new Galaxy Note 7, exchanged at Verizon for my prior IED version. Good news is that I don't have to worry about my battery self-immolating. The bad news is that I'm getting these "Your request has been declined for security reasons" toast messages when I attempt to carry out various and sundry simple tasks, such as clicking on a legitimate link in an email in my Gmail app or tapping on "About Google Play Store" in the Play Store app. Are there some sort of...

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How to use .js and .d.ts files in project

having this some.js file

export function myFunc(a, b) {
  return a.asdf + b;

I want to be able to write something like this let's say in some.d.ts file

export declare function myFunc(a: number, b: number): number;

then run 'npx tsc' command which will give me 'asdf is not a member of type number', but right now i get errors saying "parameter a implicitly has any type". I have this tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "allowJs": true,
    "checkJs": true,
    "noEmit": true,
    "strict": true,
    "skipLibCheck": false,
  "include": ["**/*.js", "**/*.d.ts"]

Is it that I miss some ts options or I should declare types in .d.ts differently? If it is impossible, what is the general way to program in js but having typings and not in one global.d.ts file?

I also tried

declare namespace some {
  export function myFunc(a: number, b: number): number;


declare module "some" {
  export function myFunc(a: number, b: number): number;