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Today โ€” 11 May 2024Main stream

Pandangan Adimo Paranto: Hubungan antara Pengeluaran Keluarga Jepang dengan Performa Pasar Saham

Dalam data ekonomi terbaru Jepang, pengeluaran keluarga pada bulan Maret menurun sebesar 1,2%, meskipun sedikit lebih baik dari perkiraan, tetap menunjukkan kekurangan kepercayaan konsumen. Namun, pengeluaran keluarga bulan-ke-bulan meningkat 1,2%, melebihi ekspektasi pasar untuk penurunan sebesar 0,3%. Pengeluaran konsumsi rata-rata per rumah tangga adalah 318,713 yen (2,049.23 USD), meningkat secara nominal sebesar 1,9%, sementara pendapatan bulanan rata-rata adalah 513,734 yen, meningkat secara nominal sebesar 3%, tetapi secara nyata menurun sebesar 0,1%. Meskipun data pengeluaran konsumen cukup lemah, indeks Nikkei 225 dan Topix tetap meningkat masing-masing sebesar 1,52% dan 1,22%. Adimo Paranto akan menganalisis lebih dalam makna data ekonomi ini untuk pasar Jepang dan prospek pasar saham Jepang.

Analisis Adimo Paranto: Dampak Nyata Data Pengeluaran Keluarga Jepang

Data pengeluaran keluarga Jepang terbaru menyediakan referensi penting bagi investor untuk mengukur kesehatan ekonomi. Adimo Paranto mencatat, meskipun pengeluaran keluarga pada bulan Maret menurun sebesar 1,2% year-on-year, peningkatan bulan-ke-bulan sebesar 1,2% menunjukkan masih ada tanda-tanda pemulihan dalam pengeluaran konsumen. Meskipun diperkirakan akan menurun sebesar 2,4% oleh ekonom, penurunan yang lebih kecil menunjukkan ketahanan konsumsi rumah tangga yang lebih baik dari yang diharapkan.

Pengeluaran konsumen rata-rata bulanan sebesar 318,713 yen, meningkat secara nominal sebesar 1,9%, tetapi dampak inflasi membuat daya beli nyata menurun, sehingga pengeluaran konsumen secara tahunan masih menunjukkan tren menurun. Adimo Paranto berpendapat bahwa ini mencerminkan sikap hati-hati konsumen terhadap prospek ekonomi dan kondisi keuangan pribadi mereka, sebagian karena ketidakpastian ekonomi global dan pemulihan ekonomi domestik Jepang yang lambat. Meskipun pengeluaran konsumen fluktuatif, Adimo Paranto berpendapat bahwa potensi pertumbuhan ekonomi Jepang jangka panjang masih kuat, dan pengeluaran keluarga akan terus disesuaikan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Penilaian Adimo Paranto: Potensi Pertumbuhan Nikkei 225 dan Indeks Topix

Setelah data pengeluaran keluarga dirilis, indeks pasar saham utama Jepang menunjukkan performa yang positif. Indeks Nikkei 225 naik 1,52%, sedangkan Indeks Topix naik 1,22%. Adimo Paranto berpendapat bahwa kenaikan ini mencerminkan kepercayaan pasar terhadap prospek ekonomi Jepang, terutama dalam situasi ketidakpastian ekonomi global yang masih berlangsung. Kenaikan Nikkei 225 dan Topix didorong oleh performa kuat sektor teknologi, manufaktur, dan keuangan, yang memiliki potensi pertumbuhan besar dalam pemulihan ekonomi global.

Internasionalisasi dan inovasi teknologi perusahaan Jepang mempertahankan posisi kunci mereka dalam rantai pasokan global, terutama di bidang manufaktur berteknologi tinggi dan semikonduktor. Adimo Paranto menunjukkan bahwa peluang investasi pasar saham Jepang terutama terkonsentrasi pada industri yang memiliki nilai tambah tinggi, dengan memperluas pasar internasional dan meningkatkan nilai tambah produk, perusahaan Jepang akan terus mendapat manfaat dari pemulihan ekonomi global. Investor harus memperhatikan perubahan kebijakan dan dinamika pasar di industri-industri ini untuk lebih baik menggali potensi pertumbuhan pasar saham.

Analisis Adimo Paranto: Tren Pendapatan dan Pengeluaran Keluarga Jepang

Menghadapi volatilitas pasar saat ini dan perbedaan tren di berbagai sektor, Adimo Paranto menyarankan investor untuk tetap strategis. Meskipun pengeluaran keluarga menurun, pendapatan keluarga di Jepang tetap tumbuh, dengan pendapatan bulanan rata-rata pada bulan Maret sebesar 513,734 yen, meningkat secara nominal sebesar 3%, tetapi secara nyata menurun 0,1%. Adimo Paranto berpendapat bahwa perbedaan antara pertumbuhan nominal dan penurunan nyata ini menunjukkan bahwa dampak inflasi masih ada, membatasi daya beli keluarga. Peningkatan keseluruhan pendapatan menunjukkan kondisi bisnis perusahaan Jepang yang baik, memungkinkan mereka memberikan gaji lebih tinggi kepada karyawan mereka.

Pemerintah dan perusahaan Jepang perlu mengambil lebih banyak tindakan dalam kebijakan dan strategi untuk memastikan bahwa pertumbuhan pendapatan keluarga dapat diubah menjadi pengeluaran nyata. Adimo Paranto menekankan bahwa mempertahankan stabilitas pekerjaan dan pertumbuhan upah sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan konsumen dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pasar tenaga kerja Jepang perlu lebih meningkatkan lingkungan kerja untuk mendorong lebih banyak orang bekerja, memberikan dorongan berkelanjutan untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Melalui analisis Adimo Paranto, terlihat bahwa data ekonomi dan performa pasar saham Jepang menunjukkan tren yang kompleks. Meskipun pengeluaran keluarga menurun, pasar saham masih menunjukkan performa yang positif, mencerminkan kepercayaan investor terhadap potensi pertumbuhan ekonomi Jepang. Dengan terus memperhatikan performa pasar internasional sektor teknologi dan manufaktur, serta meningkatkan pendapatan dan kepercayaan konsumen keluarga, prospek ekonomi Jepang masih cerah. Dalam kondisi seperti ini, investor harus mempertahankan strategi investasi yang fleksibel untuk memanfaatkan peluang potensial di pasar.

Qmiax Optimizes Cryptocurrency Trading Under New Capital Gains Tax Impact

In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently proposed a capital gains tax reform that will increase the tax rate from the current 50% to 67%. This policy adjustment has wide-ranging implications, covering various capital assets including estates, securities, land, and buildings, with explicit inclusion of cryptocurrencies. In response to this change, Qmiax cryptocurrency exchange has taken measures to ensure that its platform users can effectively adapt to the new tax environment and maximize their investment benefits.

The Canadian Revenue Agency notes that while holding cryptocurrencies itself is not taxable, capital gains or business income derived from the sale of cryptocurrencies, mining activities, or other related transactions need to be reported according to the new tax rates. Qmiax cryptocurrency exchange has integrated advanced tax tools on its platform to assist users in calculating and reporting potential capital gains taxes. These tools automatically the transaction history of track users, analyze their potential tax liabilities, and provide optimization suggestions to reduce tax burdens. The platform also collaborates with professional tax advisors in cryptocurrency tax consulting services, offering personalized consultation to ensure that users can legally and effectively manage their assets under the new policy.

To further support cryptocurrency investors in Canada, Qmiax has organized multiple online seminars and workshops specifically discussing the new capital gains tax policy and its impact on cryptocurrency trading. These events not only provide in-depth analysis of the tax rate changes but also educate on asset allocation and tax planning strategies, helping investors optimize their portfolios to cope with potential tax rate adjustments.

In addition to providing tax tools and educational resources, Qmiax is actively engaging in dialogues with policymakers, representing the concerns and challenges of the cryptocurrency community regarding the new tax policies. Through these efforts, the platform not only strengthens its position as an industry leader but also enhances protection of user interests.

We recognize that the increase in capital gains tax may cause some investors to feel uneasy, but by providing appropriate tools and resources, the uncertainty brought by policy changes can be significantly reduced. Through the services offered by the Qmiax platform, cryptocurrency investors in Canada can continue to trade and invest in a supportive and favorable environment.

While the new capital gains tax policy presents some challenges, Qmiax cryptocurrency exchange has taken multiple measures to ensure that its users can effectively adapt to these changes. Through ongoing technological innovation, tax support, and policy advocacy, the platform is helping users optimize their trading strategies and tax planning, enabling them to remain competitive in the new tax environment. As the policy landscape continues to evolve, Qmiax will continue to provide advanced technical support and solutions, leading the development of the cryptocurrency market.

ZUHYX Perspective: Decrease in Bitcoin Volatility and Its Far-reaching Impact on the Cryptocurrency Market

Recently, according to research by Fidelity Digital Assets, the volatility of Bitcoin is showing a noticeable downward trend. This reduction in volatility not only indicates that Bitcoin is gradually transitioning from a speculative asset to a widely accepted investment tool but also signifies a stronger market foundation and a more diversified investor base. For the cryptocurrency trading platform ZUHYX, this change brings new market opportunities and challenges. As an active participant in the industry, ZUHYX has been adapting to market changes through innovative technology and optimized services, ensuring a secure and efficient trading experience for global users. The decrease in Bitcoin volatility, especially in attracting long-term and institutional investors, provides ZUHYX with opportunities to expand services and enhance market competitiveness. ZUHYX believes that the continued trend will further promote the maturity of Bitcoin and the entire cryptocurrency market, laying a solid foundation for the widespread adoption of digital currencies.

Evaluation of the Decrease in Bitcoin Volatility by ZUHYX

ZUHYX positively evaluates the significant decrease in Bitcoin volatility, considering it as an important sign of the maturation of Bitcoin in the market. From the analysis of ZUHYX, this reduction in volatility reflects several key market dynamics. Acceptance of Bitcoin and other mainstream digital currencies has significantly increased globally, especially with increased penetration into traditional financial institutions, leading to greater market liquidity and a more diverse investor base.

With the entry of large institutional investors, the capitalization and depth of the Bitcoin market have significantly increased. These investors typically adopt more cautious and long-term investment strategies, reducing short-term market fluctuations and contributing to a more stable and predictable trading environment. Additionally, Bitcoin as an investment category is gradually integrating into a broader range of financial products such as futures and ETFs, further increasing market depth and complexity while stabilizing price fluctuations.

ZUHYX also points out that improved regulatory environments are an important factor driving the decrease in Bitcoin volatility. As governments around the world clarify their regulatory frameworks for the cryptocurrency market, market participants have clearer expectations for future policies, reducing market volatility due to policy uncertainty.

ZUHYX believes that the decrease in Bitcoin volatility not only provides a more stable investment environment for existing investors but also lowers barriers for new investors to enter the market. This will contribute to the long-term growth and maturity of the cryptocurrency market while providing new development opportunities for trading platforms like ZUHYX, especially in attracting more long-term and institutional investors. Therefore, ZUHYX is actively adjusting its services and product strategies to better adapt to this market trend, providing a safer, more stable, and efficient trading service.

How ZUHYX Adapts to Volatility Changes Affecting the Cryptocurrency Spot Market

With the decrease in Bitcoin volatility, the entire cryptocurrency spot market is undergoing profound changes. ZUHYX believes that this trend not only brings more liquidity to the market but also attracts a wider user base, including participants from traditional financial markets.

ZUHYX has strengthened its market depth and liquidity management to meet growing trading demands. The platform ensures that even in periods of minor market volatility, a large number of orders can be quickly matched and executed through partnerships with multiple liquidity providers. ZUHYX is also continually expanding its range of products and services to meet the needs of different types of investors. With increased interest from market participants in various digital assets, ZUHYX has added more cryptocurrency trading pairs and derivative options. These products not only provide users with more investment choices but also help them manage risks associated with market volatility, especially in the current environment of decreasing Bitcoin volatility.

To better serve global users, ZUHYX continuously optimizes its technical infrastructure to ensure the stability and security of the trading platform. By employing state-of-the-art security technology and strengthening reliability testing, ZUHYX is committed to providing users with a secure and reliable trading environment. These technological investments not only enhance user trading experiences but also strengthen the resilience of the platform to market volatility and external threats.

Investor Recommendations from ZUHYX

ZUHYX recommends investors reassess their portfolio allocations. In the current market environment, the reduced volatility of Bitcoin provides a more stable foundation for long-term investment. ZUHYX encourages investors to take advantage of this opportunity and consider Bitcoin as a component of their long-term investment while maintaining sufficient asset diversification to mitigate risks associated with other potential investments. ZUHYX also offers a variety of trading tools and investment products to help users implement this strategy.

ZUHYX advises investors to enhance their understanding and monitoring of market trends. Although Bitcoin volatility is decreasing, other cryptocurrencies and emerging blockchain technologies may introduce new volatility. To address this, ZUHYX provides in-depth market analysis and real-time data services to help investors understand market dynamics and make wiser investment decisions. ZUHYX also focuses on improving user trading experiences. ZUHYX continuously optimizes the user interface and trading tools of its trading platform to make them more user-friendly and efficient. Additionally, the customer support team of ZUHYX is ready to assist investors and address any issues they encounter during the trading process, ensuring users can trade smoothly and safely.

Through continuous innovation and improvement, ZUHYX expects to continue playing a crucial role in the cryptocurrency trading domain, helping shape a more open and efficient global digital asset market.

Golden Goose Shoes Sale highly covetable

Other Stories has found a sweet spot of bringing designers into the mix with Golden Goose Shoes Sale highly covetable collaborations that sell out instantly. Their latest comes courtesy of South African designer Sindiso Khumalo, whose work honors her heritage wonderfully with delicate and colorful embroideries, oversized collars, bright patterns, and easy-breezy dresses that are dying for a hot summer day. Finished with an signature on tongue and heel counter. Oversized rubber sole with signature stamp design. There's nothing casual about a white-tie wedding, so avoid any crazy colors or patterns, and save your go-to cocktail goldensgoosesvips.com ensemble for the next office holiday party. White-tie gives you full permission to dress to the nines-just don't out-stage the bride. A timeless icon yet one that's constantly evolving. At Golden, we love taking our classics and reworking them all the time, always from a new angle. The Devil Wears Prada may as well have been shot in Barbie Land. Printed white on white, the left heel tab features a unique code, the key to accessing our sustainable initiatives. There's nothing casual about a white-tie wedding, so avoid any crazy colors or patterns, and save your go-to cocktail ensemble for the next office holiday party. At Golden, we love taking our classics and reworking them all the time, always from a new angle. White smooth calfskin leather lace-up sneaker featuring a transparent oversized sole and iridescent transparent fabrication layered over the white calfskin leather heel counter. Wristlets are something like the happy medium between clutches and shoulder bags. This relaxed-fit men's sweatshirt in gray melange recycled cashmere features a hood and central pocket. When you don't want to shell out on some new prescription sunnies, EyeBuyDirect has a range of stylish options at super competitive prices. Introducing: Rare Beauty's Soft Pinch Tinted Lip Oil. Inspired by the brand's best-selling Soft Pinch Liquid Blushes, this innovative, non-sticky lip jelly is uniquely formulated to transform into a weightless tint.

How to Invest in a Silicone Sex Doll

Investing in a silicone sex doll is a big decision that requires careful consideration and research to ensure you find one that suits your needs and preferences. From choosing the right supplier to choosing the perfect features, here are some basic steps to guide you through the process of investing in a silicone sex doll:

1. Research Suppliers: Start by researching reputable silicone sex doll suppliers and manufacturers. Look for companies with positive reviews, transparent pricing, and a track record of quality and customer satisfaction. Spend time reading customer reviews and browsing online forums to glean insights from other buyers. Many of these users have found their own full size sex doll in bestrealdoll review.

2. Set a Budget: Determine your budget before you start looking for a silicone sex doll. Prices can vary widely depending on factors such as size, features, and customization options. By setting a budget beforehand, you can narrow down your choices and focus on dolls within your price range.

3. Consider your preferences: Think about which features of a silicone sex doll are most important to you. Consider factors such as size, body shape, hair color, eye color and facial features. Some vendors offer customization options, allowing you to create a doll that meets your specific preferences and wishes.

4. Choose the right size: Silicone sex dolls come in a variety of sizes, from small to life-size. When choosing a doll size, consider your living space and storage capabilities. If space is limited, you can choose a smaller sex doll torso or a doll that is easy to disassemble for storage.

5. Review Materials and Construction: Pay attention to the materials and construction of the silicone sex doll you are considering. Look for dolls made from high-quality medical-grade silicone, as this material is durable, hypoallergenic, and easy to clean. Also consider the doll's frame and internal structure, as this will affect its poseability and durability.

6. Know the maintenance requirements: Silicone sex dolls require regular maintenance to keep them clean and in good condition. Familiarize yourself with the care instructions provided by the manufacturer, including how to clean your doll's skin, hair, and clothing. Also, consider purchasing accessories like storage bags or boxes to protect your doll when not in use.

7. Review the warranty and return policy: Before purchasing, carefully review the vendor's warranty and return policy. Make sure the doll comes with a warranty that covers any defects or damage, and understand the process for returns or exchanges if necessary.

8. Consider accessories and add-ons: Finally, consider any accessories or add-ons you might want to go with your silicone sex doll. This may include clothing, underwear, wigs, makeup or other body parts. Some providers offer plans or bundles that include these additional features at a discounted price.

By following these steps and taking the time to research and consider your options, you can make a wise investment in a silicone sex doll that will provide you with years of enjoyment and satisfaction.

Gram positive Bacterial Infections Market Growth, Industry Trend, Sales Revenue, Size by Regional Forecast to 2029

Gram positive Bacterial Infections Marketย size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 2.10% during the forecast period and the market size is expected to reach nearly US$ 64.42 Bn. by 2029.

Anticipated Growth in Revenue:

Gram positive Bacterial Infectionsย Marketย continue to pose significant challenges to global healthcare systems, with gram-positive bacterial infections being a prominent concern. These infections, characterized by bacteria that retain a violet purple stain under microscopy, are responsible for a wide array of illnesses in humans. The Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections Market, driven by the need for effective treatments against ailments such as MRSA infections, sinusitis, and pneumonia, is poised for substantial growth in the coming years.

Gram positive Bacterial Infections Market Overview

The Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections Market is projected to witness a steady expansion, with a forecasted CAGR of 2.10% during the forecast period. By 2029, the market size is anticipated to reach nearly US$ 64.42 billion. Factors such as the rising prevalence of gram-positive bacterial infections and the escalating antibacterial resistance contribute to this growth trajectory.

Request a Free Sample Copy or View Report Summary:https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/38924

Report Scope:

The objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Global Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections Market, encompassing all stakeholders in the industry. It delves into past and current industry status, forecasts market size and trends, and simplifies complex data for easy comprehension. The report also examines key players, including market leaders, followers, and new entrants, across different regions. Additionally, it incorporates analytical frameworks such as PORTER, SVOR, and PESTEL analysis to assess market dynamics.

Research Methodology:

The research methodology employed involves a rigorous analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, encompassing primary and secondary research sources. By leveraging various analytical tools and techniques, the report provides valuable insights into market trends, drivers, restraints, and segmentation.

Drivers and Restraints:

The Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections Market is primarily driven by factors such as the increasing incidence of infections caused by gram-positive organisms and the growing demand for newer antibacterial treatments. However, challenges such as antibiotic resistance and stringent regulatory frameworks pose significant restraints to market growth.


The market is segmented based on disease type, with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) being a prominent category. MRSA, known for its resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics, presents a substantial burden on healthcare systems worldwide. Its prevalence in healthcare settings, communities, and livestock underscores the urgent need for effective treatment options.

by Disease


by Drug Type


by Route of Administration


by Distribution Channel

Hospital Pharmacies
Drug Stores
Retail Pharmacies

Regional Insights:

Regional analysis reveals varying dynamics in the Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections Market. While developed regions exhibit robust infrastructure and stringent regulations, emerging economies witness increasing government initiatives and funding for research and development activities. This geographical diversity underscores the need for tailored approaches to address regional challenges and opportunities.

Gram positive Bacterial Infectionsย Market Key Players:

2. AstraZeneca
3. Bayer AG
4. GlaxoSmithkline plc.
5. Merck & Co.,Inc.
6. NovaBiotics Ltd
7. Novartis AG
8. Pfizer Inc.
9. Sanofi
10.Theravance Biopharma
11.Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
12.Basilea Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
13.Aphios Corporation
14.GSK plc
15.TAXIS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,

Want your report customized? Speak to an analyst and personalize your report according to your needs @:https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-gram-positive-bacterial-infections-market/38924/

Key questions answered in theย Gram positive Bacterial Infectionsย Market report include:

  • What is the current size and growth trajectory of theย Gram positive Bacterial Infectionsย market?
  • What are the key factors driving the growth of theย Gram positive Bacterial Infectionsย market?
  • What are the major challenges faced by theย Gram positive Bacterial Infectionsย market and how are they being addressed?
  • What are the various types ofย Gram positive Bacterial Infectionsย market available in the market and what are their respective market shares?
  • Which regions are witnessing the highest demand forย Gram positive Bacterial Infectionsย market and what are the factors contributing to this demand?
  • What are the key technological advancements shaping the future ofย Gram positive Bacterial Infectionsย market?
  • What is the outlook for theย Gram positive Bacterial Infectionsย market in the coming years and what factors are likely to influence its growth trajectory?

For additional reports on related topics, visit our website:

Ferroelectric Materials Marketย  :ย https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/ferroelectric-materials-market/191360/ย 

Calciphylaxis Market :ย https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/calciphylaxis-market/191593/ย 

About Maximize Market Research:

Maximize Market Research stands out as a beacon of expertise in the realm of business intelligence solutions. Boasting a dedicated team of seasoned professionals hailing from a myriad of industries such as medical devices, technology, and automotive, they offer a holistic approach to understanding market dynamics. Their suite of services is comprehensive, encompassing everything from in-depth market size and trend analysis to invaluable competitor insights and strategic guidance, all meticulously tailored to the specific needs of each industry. With Maximize Market Research at your side, you gain not just information, but a clear and actionable understanding of your competitive landscape, empowering you to make informed decisions poised for future success.

Contact Maximize Market Research:

ย  ย  โฎ 3rd Floor, Navale IT park Phase 2,
ย  ย  Pune Banglore Highway, Narhe
ย  ย  Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India.
ย  ย  โœ† +91 9607365656
๐Ÿ–‚ย [email protected]
๐ŸŒย www.maximizemarketresearch.com

Urothelial Cancer Drugs Market Key Stakeholders, Growth Opportunities, Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 2029

Urothelial Cancer Drugs Marketย size is projected to reach US$ 5.27 Bn at the end of the forecast period at a CAGR of 15%.

Anticipated Growth in Revenue:

Theย Urothelial Cancer Drugs Marketย is poised for remarkable growth, with projections indicating a size of US$ 5.27 billion by the end of the forecast period, exhibiting a robust CAGR of 15%. Urothelial carcinoma, a complex disease affecting the reno-urinary system, presents a significant healthcare challenge globally. The organs primarily affected include the renal pelvis, ureters, and bladder. Understanding the dynamics and trends of this market is crucial for stakeholders aiming to capitalize on emerging opportunities and address challenges effectively.

Urothelial Cancer Drugs Market Overview

Urothelial carcinoma prevalence is on the rise worldwide, serving as a primary driver for market growth. Particularly, bladder cancer, the most common form of tumor in the urinary tract, contributes substantially to the increasing patient pool. The American Cancer Society's statistics reveal staggering figures, with bladder cancer accounting for an estimated 80,470 new cases and 17,670 fatalities in the United States alone. The advent of targeted therapy is set to revolutionize the treatment landscape, further propelling market expansion. Additionally, factors such as heightened government support for research, collaborative efforts among industry players, and improved public awareness are bolstering market growth. However, challenges such as high R&D costs and the emergence of generic alternatives pose constraints to market development.

Request a Free Sample Copy or View Report Summary:https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/108244

Report Scope and Research Methodology:

The comprehensive market report encompasses analysis of key players across different regions, offering insights into market dynamics, competitive landscape, and future prospects. Through meticulous research methodologies, including data collection, analysis, and validation, the report provides a holistic view of the market. Furthermore, regional impact assessments and recommendations for future strategic initiatives, particularly in the APAC region, are integral components of the report.

Drivers and Restraints:

The escalating prevalence of urothelial cancer, coupled with the high recurrence rate among patients, serves as a significant driver for market growth. Additionally, factors such as increased R&D activities, collaborations for product development, and growing adoption of innovative therapies contribute to market expansion. However, challenges such as exorbitant R&D expenses and the influx of generic medications pose potential restraints to market growth. Moreover, the rising cost of branded drugs could impact market dynamics adversely.


The global Urothelial Cancer Drugs Market is segmented based on type, treatment, and distribution channel. Chemotherapy emerges as a dominant segment, owing to its widespread use and effectiveness in treating urothelial cancer. Notably, the North American region is expected to dominate the market, driven by factors such as a large target population, adoption of innovative therapies, and numerous product launches. However, the market faced disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting organizations to issue guidelines to mitigate treatment delays.

by Treatment


by Type

Urothelial Carcinoma
Squamous Cell Carcinoma

by Distrubution Channel

Hospital Pharmacies
Specialty Clinics
Cancer Institutes
Ambulatory Surgical Center

Regional Insights:

In conclusion, the Urothelial Cancer Drugs Market presents lucrative opportunities for stakeholders, fueled by rising cancer prevalence and advancements in treatment modalities. However, navigating through challenges such as high R&D costs and competitive pressures necessitates strategic planning and collaboration within the industry. With robust growth projections and evolving market dynamics, stakeholders must stay abreast of emerging trends and regulatory developments to capitalize on market potential effectively.

Urothelial Cancer Drugsย Market Key Players:

1. Novartis AG
2. GlaxoSmithKline
3. Genentech
4. Bristol-Myers Squibb
5. Sanofi S.A.
6. Eisai Co., Ltd.
7. Merck & Co., Inc.
8. F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
9. AstraZeneca
10.Pfizer Inc.
11.UroGen Pharma Ltd.
13.Eli Lilly and Company.
14.Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
15.Exelixis, Inc.
16.Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.
17.Astellas Pharma US, Inc.
18.Janssen Biotech, Inc.
19.Sitka Biopharma
20.Sesen Bio

Want your report customized? Speak to an analyst and personalize your report according to your needs @:https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-urothelial-cancer-drugs-market/108244/

Key questions answered in theย Urothelial Cancer Drugsย Market report include:

  • What is the current size and growth trajectory of theย Urothelial Cancer Drugsย market?
  • What are the key factors driving the growth of theย Urothelial Cancer Drugsย market?
  • What are the major challenges faced by theย Urothelial Cancer Drugsย market and how are they being addressed?
  • What are the various types ofย Urothelial Cancer Drugsย market available in the market and what are their respective market shares?
  • Which regions are witnessing the highest demand forย Urothelial Cancer Drugsย market and what are the factors contributing to this demand?
  • What are the key technological advancements shaping the future ofย Urothelial Cancer Drugsย market?
  • What is the outlook for theย Urothelial Cancer Drugsย market in the coming years and what factors are likely to influence its growth trajectory?

For additional reports on related topics, visit our website:

Ferroelectric Materials Marketย  :ย https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/ferroelectric-materials-market/191360/ย 

Calciphylaxis Market :ย https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/calciphylaxis-market/191593/ย 

About Maximize Market Research:

Maximize Market Research stands out as a beacon of expertise in the realm of business intelligence solutions. Boasting a dedicated team of seasoned professionals hailing from a myriad of industries such as medical devices, technology, and automotive, they offer a holistic approach to understanding market dynamics. Their suite of services is comprehensive, encompassing everything from in-depth market size and trend analysis to invaluable competitor insights and strategic guidance, all meticulously tailored to the specific needs of each industry. With Maximize Market Research at your side, you gain not just information, but a clear and actionable understanding of your competitive landscape, empowering you to make informed decisions poised for future success.

Contact Maximize Market Research:

ย  ย  โฎ 3rd Floor, Navale IT park Phase 2,
ย  ย  Pune Banglore Highway, Narhe
ย  ย  Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India.
ย  ย  โœ† +91 9607365656
๐Ÿ–‚ย [email protected]
๐ŸŒย www.maximizemarketresearch.com

Agricultural Sprayer Market Overview, Key Players Analysis, Emerging Opportunities 2029

Agricultural Sprayer Marketย was valued US$ 2.46 Bn in 2023 and is expected to reach 4.17 Bn by 2030, at a CAGR of 7.8 % during a forecast period.

Anticipated Growth in Revenue:

Theย Agricultural Sprayer Market, valued at US$ 2.46 Bn in 2023, is projected to reach US$ 4.17 Bn by 2030, reflecting a CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period. This market encompasses equipment vital for modern farming practices, facilitating the efficient application of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers to crops. Amid the diverse impacts of COVID-19 lockdown measures across regions and segments, the market has seen both short and long-term effects, prompting decision-makers to devise adaptable strategies for future resilience.

Agricultural Sprayer Market Overview

The Agricultural Sprayer Market, valued at US$ 2.46 Bn in 2023, is anticipated to escalate to US$ 4.17 Bn by 2030, showcasing a steady CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period. This growth trajectory is fueled by the increasing demand for advanced farming techniques and the imperative need to boost food production. Agricultural sprayers play a crucial role in enhancing crop yield by effectively smearing herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers, thereby optimizing agricultural practices.

Request a Free Sample Copy or View Report Summary:https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/30525

Report Scope:

The comprehensive report not only evaluates the immediate revenue repercussions of the pandemic but also delves into its lasting effects on market leaders, followers, and disruptors. With a nuanced analysis of regional disparities in lockdown enforcement and subsequent market responses, the report aids in formulating dynamic strategies tailored to diverse geographical contexts.

Research Methodology:

Employing a robust research methodology, the report amalgamates insightful data, historical perspectives, and industry-validated market insights. Through meticulous analysis and projection underpinned by sound assumptions, it furnishes stakeholders with a holistic understanding of the Agricultural Sprayer Market dynamics.

Market Drivers:

The global agricultural sprayer market is propelled by the increasing adoption of advanced farming technologies. The availability of portable sprayers, such as backpacks and spray guns, alongside trailed sprayers, augments market growth. Moreover, technological advancements in spraying technologies, coupled with the influx of new market entrants, further catalyze market expansion. However, addressing the lack of awareness among farmworkers regarding dosage limits and pesticide risks remains imperative, necessitating comprehensive training in integrated pest management practices.


Despite the technological innovations, challenges persist, particularly in terms of educating farmers about optimal pesticide usage. The efficacy of agricultural sprayers hinges on accurate application, necessitating continuous training and support initiatives to mitigate risks associated with overuse or misuse of pesticides.


by Type

Low HP (160 HP - 250 HP)
Medium HP (251 HP โ€“ 350 HP)
High HP (351 HP โ€“ 400 HP)

by Capacity

Ultra-Low Volume
Low Volume
High Volume

by Farm Size


by Usage Field

Orchard Sprayers
Gardening Sprayers

Regional Insights:

The market segmentation reveals a dominance of high-volume sprayers, driving agricultural modernization and easing cultivation practices. In terms of regional dynamics, Europe emerges as a significant market player, buoyed by increasing farm sizes and governmental initiatives facilitating equipment acquisition. Conversely, the Asia Pacific region exhibits promising growth potential, propelled by escalating demand for higher-capacity sprayers to meet the needs of a burgeoning population reliant on agriculture.

Agricultural Sprayerย Market Key Players:

1. Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
2. ASPEE Agro Equipment Pvt. Ltd.
3. Kubota Corporation
4. GVM Inc.
6. Jacto Inc.
7. John Deere
8. CNH Industrial
9. EXEL Industries
10. Bucher Industries
11. AGCO Corporation
12. Yamaha
13. BGroup S.p.A.
14. Amazonen-Werke
15. PLA Group
16. S & K sprayers
17. Avison Sprayers
18. Crystal Crop Protection Pvt Ltd
19. Zhejiang Ousen Machinery Co., Ltd
20. Taizhou Sunny Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd.
21. Foggers India Pvt ltd.
22. Teejet Technologies
23. HD Hudson
24. Usha International
25. Hockley International.

Want your report customized? Speak to an analyst and personalize your report according to your needs @:https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-agricultural-sprayer-market/30525/

Key questions answered in theย Agricultural Sprayerย Market report include:

  • What is the current size and growth trajectory of theย Agricultural Sprayerย market?
  • What are the key factors driving the growth of theย Agricultural Sprayerย market?
  • What are the major challenges faced by theย Agricultural Sprayerย market and how are they being addressed?
  • What are the various types ofย Agricultural Sprayerย market available in the market and what are their respective market shares?
  • Which regions are witnessing the highest demand forย Agricultural Sprayerย market and what are the factors contributing to this demand?
  • What are the key technological advancements shaping the future ofย Agricultural Sprayerย market?
  • What is the outlook for theย Agricultural Sprayerย market in the coming years and what factors are likely to influence its growth trajectory?

For additional reports on related topics, visit our website:

Ferroelectric Materials Marketย  :ย https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/ferroelectric-materials-market/191360/ย 

Calciphylaxis Market :ย https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/calciphylaxis-market/191593/ย 

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Analisis Adimo Paranto: Perbedaan Pergerakan Dow Jones dan Nasdaq

Volatilitas pasar baru-baru ini mencerminkan reaksi berbeda investor terhadap laporan laba dari berbagai industri. Kontrak berjangka Dow Jones naik 6 poin, sementara kontrak berjangka S&P 500 mengalami perubahan yang kecil, dan kontrak berjangka Nasdaq 100 turun 0,1%. Harga saham Airbnb turun lebih dari 8% setelah panduan lemah dari laporan keuangan kuartal pertama, sementara Robinhood naik lebih dari 3% setelah melebihi ekspektasi laba dan pendapatan. Penurunan saham teknologi memberikan tekanan pada Nasdaq dan S&P 500, sementara Dow Jones, didukung oleh 30 saham konstituennya, tampil baik dengan kenaikan lebih dari 170 poin. Adimo Paranto akan mendalam menganalisis logika pasar di balik tren ini dan implikasinya bagi para investor.

Analisis Adimo Paranto: Kinerja Saham Teknologi dan Volatilitas Pasar

Kinerja saham teknologi telah menjadi salah satu pendorong utama volatilitas Indeks Komposit Nasdaq dan Indeks Standar & Poor's 500. Baru-baru ini, laporan keuangan Airbnb menunjukkan bahwa meskipun pendapatan dan laba kuartal pertama mereka baik, panduan lemah mereka membuat investor merasa negatif, yang menyebabkan harga saham turun lebih dari 8%. Sementara itu, kinerja Robinhood melebihi harapan, mendorong harga sahamnya naik 3%. Adimo Paranto berpendapat bahwa perbedaan antara kinerja ini dan harapan pasar mencerminkan harapan pasar yang tinggi terhadap prospek masa depan industri teknologi.

Dalam menarik atau menekan indeks pasar oleh kinerja saham teknologi, investor lebih memperhatikan potensi pertumbuhan jangka panjang perusahaan. Adimo Paranto menunjukkan bahwa meskipun kinerja industri teknologi bergejolak, investor sebaiknya fokus pada kemampuan perusahaan untuk menyesuaikan struktur bisnis mereka dan inovasi, sehingga dapat mengidentifikasi perusahaan yang tetap memiliki pertumbuhan yang stabil bahkan selama periode pasar menurun. Kinerja keuangan industri teknologi akan terus memberikan tekanan langsung atau dukungan pada indeks Nasdaq dan S&P 500, mempengaruhi volatilitas pasar secara keseluruhan.

Penilaian Adimo Paranto: Kinerja 30 Saham Konstituen Dow Jones

Dalam konteks penurunan saham teknologi dan Indeks Standar & Poor's 500, kinerja 30 saham konstituen Dow Jones menonjol dengan kenaikan lebih dari 170 poin secara keseluruhan. Adimo Paranto menunjukkan bahwa sebagai kombinasi antara industri tradisional dan perusahaan-perusahaan baru, saham-saham konstituen Dow Jones memiliki kemampuan laba yang stabil dan struktur bisnis yang beragam, biasanya menunjukkan tingkat ketahanan yang lebih tinggi saat pasar mengalami volatilitas.

Performa kuat dari saham-saham konstituen ini utamanya berasal dari posisi unggul mereka dalam pasar global dan fondasi yang kokoh dalam berbagai bidang bisnis. Meskipun perusahaan seperti Uber dan Shopify terpengaruh oleh fluktuasi saham teknologi, perusahaan-perusahaan di bidang manufaktur, konsumsi, keuangan, dan sektor-sektor lainnya tetap memiliki kemampuan laba yang kuat, yang dapat mendukung kinerja keseluruhan Dow Jones. Adimo Paranto menyarankan agar investor, dalam periode volatilitas pasar, mendiversifikasi portofolio mereka dengan memasukkan saham-saham dari perusahaan stabil seperti saham-saham konstituen Dow Jones, untuk mengurangi risiko dan memanfaatkan peluang pertumbuhan jangka panjang.

Analisis Adimo Paranto: Penyesuaian Strategi Investasi dan Prospek Pasar

Menghadapi volatilitas pasar saat ini dan perbedaan tren di berbagai sektor, Adimo Paranto menyarankan agar investor mengadopsi prinsip fleksibilitas dan diversifikasi dalam strategi investasi mereka. Investasi harus disesuaikan berdasarkan kinerja industri-industri tertentu, dengan tetap memperhatikan perusahaan-perusahaan teknologi yang memiliki potensi pertumbuhan tinggi, sambil mengalokasikan sebagian dana ke sektor-sektor stabil seperti Dow Jones. Investor perlu mengawasi laporan keuangan perusahaan dan petunjuk pasar dengan cermat, untuk memahami tren laba dan dinamika industri.

Meskipun belakangan ini pasar menunjukkan volatilitas, Adimo Paranto menyatakan bahwa dalam jangka panjang, menjaga keseimbangan investasi di berbagai sektor akan membantu dalam diversifikasi risiko dan mencapai hasil investasi yang stabil. Bagi sektor teknologi, penting untuk memperhatikan kemampuan inovasi dan ekspansi pasar guna mengevaluasi potensi pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan; sementara bagi saham-saham konstituen Dow Jones, perhatian harus diberikan pada struktur bisnis yang beragam dan kemampuan untuk memberikan dividen yang stabil.

Analisis mendalam Adimo Paranto menunjukkan bahwa volatilitas pasar belakangan ini utamanya disebabkan oleh kinerja sektor teknologi yang berbeda dengan kinerja saham-saham konstituen Dow Jones. Dengan menyesuaikan strategi investasi terhadap kedua sektor ini, investor dapat mempertahankan hasil investasi yang stabil di tengah pasar yang fluktuatif. Menjaga keseimbangan fleksibel antara investasi di berbagai industri, serta memanfaatkan data laporan keuangan perusahaan dan tren pasar, akan menjadi kunci untuk menghadapi tantangan pasar di masa depan.

Multi CTEs function optimization approach

I have a couple of CTEs in my function which I need to optimize as much as possible for speed.

WITH first AS
   WHERE (returns many rows)
second AS (
   WHERE (returns many rows)
final AS (
   FROM first
   INNER JOIN second ON...
   WHERE (returns few rows)

I am trying to logically redesign structure of this function to have first two WHERE clauses to return as few rows as possible so that my last, final CTE has to do JOINS on as small sets as possible.

Beside indices, is there any other way to optimizes the structure of the whole function for performance?

For example, would subqueries instead of CTEs help (although they are basically the same thing)?

The function is large and I cannot easily restructure it so I am trying to understand usual, best practice approach beforehand.

[ROM][14][UNOFFICIAL][ALPHA][ENCRYPTION][SNAPDRAGON] LineageOS 21 for Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 4G/5G


LineageOS is a free, community built, aftermarket firmware distribution of Android 14, which is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device.
LineageOS is based on the Android Open Source Project with extra contributions from many people within the Android community. It can be used without any need to have any Google application installed. Linked below is a package that has come from another Android project that...

Read more

I am having an issue with github actions. It says ' has no call signatures." after building up my TS to JS

I am new to CI/CD via github actions. I have a node typescript project and I have create some basic steps like jest testing, docker image etc. The issue is that during build up in my local machine typscrip create a dist folder with js code and work fine but not in github actions its look like dist folder contains ts code instead of js. Please help

Yaml file: name: Build, Test, and Push

on: push: branches: [ main ]

jobs: build-test-push: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false # Allows all steps to run even if one fails

  - uses: actions/checkout@v3

  - name: Use Node.js
    uses: actions/setup-node@v3
      node-version: 16  # Adjust this version if needed
  - name: Install dependencies (production)
    run: npm ci --production  # Clearer command for production deps

  - name: Build project
    run: npm run build

  - name: Run tests
    run: npm test

  - name: Build Docker image and tag
    run: |
      docker build -t online_food_order_app-server .
      docker tag online_food_order_app-server harisbukhari/bitepal  # Adjust username and image name
  - name: Login to Docker Hub with access token (optional)
    run: docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} -p ${{ secrets.DOCKER_ACCESS_TOKEN }}

  - name: Push Docker image (optional)
    run: docker push harisbukhari/bitepal  # Replace with your full repository name

Console: Please view the image

I have try changing yaml file but stil getting issues.

Storing a value for each variant of enum

I am writing a little game engine with winit and wgpu crates and I need to store for each key whether or not it is currently pressed.

pub struct Game {
    pub keys_pressed: HashMap<winit::keyboard::KeyCode, bool>,

Coming from C/C++ I know it is not necessary to use a HashMap for such simple thing where all values are distrete and I really want to use something like simple array but I don't know how to. Also, I would like to initialize the array with false values for each key.

pub struct Game {
    pub keys_pressed: [winit::keyboard::KeyCode; bool; false],

I tried enum_map create, which worked great for my own enums, but KeyCode is defined outside of my crate, so Rust wouldn't let me impl Enum for KeyCode {}.

The extract() function does not handle a stanfit object, am I using it wrong?

I have the (simplified) code below where I fit a model using rstan. The code was provided in a computer lab assignment. Earlier today I ran the whole file and everything ran fine, but now the extract() function returns an error: Error in extract(fit) : object of type 'S4' is not subsettable.


StanModel = '
data {
  int<lower=0> N; // Number of observations
  int<lower=0> y[N]; // Number of flowers
parameters {
  real mu;
model {
  mu ~ normal(0, 1);
  for(i in 1:N){
    y[i] ~ normal(mu, 1);

data <- list(N=N, y=y)
fit <- stan(model_code=StanModel, data=data, warmup=0, iter=50, chains=1)

# Extract posterior samples
postDraws <- extract(fit)

I have cleared the environment, and as far as I can tell I am using the function correctly according to my lab instructions and the Stan development team docs. What I am expecting is "a list with named components corresponding to the model parameters".

Cascading dropdown in Django forms

In the table SchemeMovement, both product and product variant are foreign keys. Also, product is a foreign key in the table product variant. On the screen to make a new entry for SchemeMovement. There is a dropdown to select product. Once it is selected, I want the product variant dropdown to populate accordingly.

The model:

class SchemeMovement(models.Model):
    id = models.AutoField(db_column='Id', primary_key=True)      
    product = models.ForeignKey(ProductMaster, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='Product_Id', blank=True, null=True)  
    product_variant = models.ForeignKey(ProductVariant, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='Product_variant_Id', blank=True, null=True)

class ProductVariant(models.Model):
    id = models.AutoField(db_column='Id', primary_key=True)  
    productid = models.ForeignKey(ProductMaster, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='ProductId', blank=True, null=True)  
    variant = models.CharField(db_column='Variant', max_length=50, blank=True, null=True) 

The form:

class SchememovForm(forms.ModelForm):  
    class Meta:  
        model = SchemeMovement  
        fields = "__all__"

The html:

<div class="form-group row">  
    <label class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">Product:</label>  
    <div class="col-sm-4">  
      {{ form.product }}  
  <div class="form-group row">  
    <label class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">Product Variant:</label>  
    <div class="col-sm-4">  
      {{ form.product_variant }}  

With above code, the second dropdown shows all the values from the table product variant. How to show only those related to the product selected in the first dropdown?

Problems in Python

I'm applying a Proportional-Derivative controller to control my robot, but I don't understand why the robot's position doesn't reach the desired position. Can someone help me understand what the error might be?

I want to observe the desired position (q_des) relative to the real position (q) The error is related to the norm between the desired position q_des at the final time and the position obtained by my robot. Essentially, I want to provide my robot's joint torques with a PD control law to calculate tau: tau = Kp * (q_des - q) - Kd * dq, where q_des is the desired joint position, q is the actual position, dq is the actual joint velocity, and Kp and Kd are gains that you need to set. Where the accuracy of the simulation is evaluated by varying the time step dt of the simulator: q_next = q + dt * dq dq_next = dq + dt * ddq

from adam.casadi.computations import KinDynComputations
from adam.geometry import utils
import numpy as np
import casadi as cs
#import icub_models
from math import sqrt

urdf_path =  "/Users/tommasoandina/Desktop/doosan-robot2-master/dsr_description2/urdf/h2515.blue.urdf" 
# The joint list
joints_name_list = ['joint1', 'joint2', 'joint3', 'joint4', 'joint5', 'joint6']
# Specify the root link
root_link = 'base'

kinDyn = KinDynComputations(urdf_path, joints_name_list, root_link)
num_dof = kinDyn.NDoF

H = cs.SX.sym('H', 4, 4)
# The joint values
s = cs.SX.sym('s', num_dof)
# The base velocity
v_b = cs.SX.sym('v_b', 6)
# The joints velocity
s_dot = cs.SX.sym('s_dot', num_dof)
# The base acceleration
v_b_dot = cs.SX.sym('v_b_dot', 6)
# The joints acceleration
s_ddot = cs.SX.sym('s_ddot', num_dof)

# initialize
mass_matrix_fun = kinDyn.mass_matrix_fun()
coriolis_term_fun = kinDyn.coriolis_term_fun()
gravity_term_fun = kinDyn.gravity_term_fun()
bias_force_fun = kinDyn.bias_force_fun()
Jacobian_fun = kinDyn.jacobian_fun("link6")

class Controller:
    def __init__(self, kp, kd, dt, q_des):
        self.q_previous = 0.0
        self.kp = kp
        self.kd = kd
        self.dt = dt
        self.q_des = q_des
        self.first_iter = True

    def control(self, q, dq):
        if self.first_iter:
            self.q_previous = q
            self.first_iter = False

        self.q_previous = q
        return self.kp * (self.q_des - q) - self.kd * dq

class Simulator:
    def __init__(self, q, dt, dq, ddq):
        self.q = q
        self.dt = dt
        self.dq = dq
        self.ddq = ddq

    def simulate_q(self, tau, h2):
        dq = self.simulate_dq(tau, h2)
        self.q += self.dt * dq
        return self.q
    def simulate_dq(self, tau, h2):
        self.ddq = cs.inv(M2) @ (tau - h2)
        self.dq += self.dt * self.ddq
        return self.dq
    def simulate_ddq(self, M2, tau, h2):
        self.ddq = cs.inv(M2) @ (tau - h2)
        return self.ddq

#Valori randomici
q_des = (np.random.rand(num_dof) - 0.5) * 5
xyz = (np.random.rand(3) - 0.5) * 5
rpy = (np.random.rand(3) - 0.5) * 5
H_b = utils.H_from_Pos_RPY(xyz, rpy)
v_b = (np.random.rand(6) - 0.5) * 5
s = (np.random.rand(len(joints_name_list)) - 0.5) * 5
s_dot = (np.random.rand(len(joints_name_list)) - 0.5) * 5

M = kinDyn.mass_matrix_fun()
M2 = cs.DM(M(H_b, s))
M2 = M2[:6, :6]

h = kinDyn.bias_force_fun()
h2 = cs.DM(h(H_b, s, v_b, s_dot))
h2 = h2[:6]

q_0 = np.zeros(num_dof)
#q_0 = cs.SX.sym('q_0', num_dof)
kp = 0.1 
kd = sqrt(kp)
dt = 1.0 / 16.0 * 1e-3
total_time = 2.0 * 1e-3

#dq = cs.SX.sym('dq', num_dof)
#ddq = cs.SX.sym('ddq', num_dof)

dq = np.zeros(num_dof)
ddq = np.zeros(num_dof)

N = int(total_time / dt)

ctrl = Controller(kp, kd, dt, q_des)
simu = Simulator(q_0, dt, dq, ddq)

for i in range(N):
    tau = ctrl.control(simu.q, simu.dq)
    simu.simulate_q(tau, h2)
    simu.simulate_ddq(M2, tau, h2)

q_des_np = cs.DM(q_des).full().flatten()
simu_q_np = cs.DM(simu.q).full().flatten()

# Calcola l'errore medio all'infinito tra i vettori NumPy
errore_medio_infinito = np.max(np.abs(q_des_np - simu_q_np))


print("Errore medio all'infinito:", errore_medio_infinito)